Chapter 12

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*Misha's POV*

I roll over and squint my eyes as the sun blinds me. My head is pounding as I slowly get up from the floor. I need a proper night sleep in a nice big bed. I look over and see Jensen asleep on the couch. I turn around and put the kettle on. "Morning." I hear Jensen mumble to me. "Morning." I say annoyed. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. "Jensen stop." I say moving away. "Misha.." He says following. I turn around and look at him. "I'm sorry about last night.. Something came up." "That something was?" He looks down to the floor and back at me. "I was stuck on the phone with Jared for 20 minutes then I was heading out and Bob stopped me to talk about the script and I mentioned I had to go but he insisted that we discuss it. I got in my car and thought I should stop and get you some flowers to apologize for being late and I was stopped by fans. By the time I got to the restaurant you had left." I smile at him and kiss his lips. "Maybe tomorrow?" He asks as I nod my head agreeing. "Maybe we can stay at a hotel?" I see Jensen smile at me as I turn around. "Maybe." I say laughing. "Come on tomorrow is my birthday and not only do I want to sleep on something soft but I want birthday sex in a bed." He winks at me. "I'll sort something out babe." I couldn't believe that I thought Jensen had stood me up.

*Jensen's POV*

I didn't want to lie to Misha as we have only just started to 'date' and it's not healthy to lie to your partner, but how could I tell him I chose to meet up with my ex wife instead of go out to dinner with him and talk about us. He would assume I didn't love him and wanted to be with Danneel which isn't true. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything especially the part where I could be a dad. I pull out my phone and send Danneel a text while Misha heads over to the studio to shower before we start filming.

As much as I want to talk about the possibility that she might be pregnant and I could be a father I can't bail on Misha again

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As much as I want to talk about the possibility that she might be pregnant and I could be a father I can't bail on Misha again. I want to spend my birthday with him. I hear the trailer door open and I smile expecting Misha. "Hey Jared." I say looking down seeing West. I'm disappointed Misha and I can't have a quickie before we have to go on set. "Hey buddy." I hear Misha from behind. "Daddy." West jumps in his arms and hugs him. "Better get ready for school or you will be late." West runs in and starts changing. "Can you cover for me while I take him to school?" He looks over at me smiling. I nod my head and smile back.

On Set.

Dean and Uriel.

Dean: Don't normally see you off leash. Where's your boss?

Uriel: Castiel? Oh he's, he's not here. You see he has this weakness, he likes you.

Sam and Castiel.

Sam: So what, you like him better, or something?

Castiel: Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn't going to mention it.


I walk off set relieved that we are wrapped up for the day and tomorrow is no work day because it's Jensen's day I joke to myself. I wait around the corner for Misha before pulling him in and kissing him. "I've been dying to do that all day." I say kissing him again. "Tomorrow we can spend all day doing it at the Hilton hotel." He says kissing me back smiling through the kiss.

2 updates in 1 day :o hoping to update Jensen's birthday chapter tonight as it is his birthday today but might post tomorrow. Enjoy. xx

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