Chapter 5

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*Jensen's POV*

I wake up on and squint my eyes. I rub my hand over my face and let out a small groan while sitting up on the couch in my trailer. Most uncomfortable sleep I've had in a long time, I look at the bottle of scotch on my coffee table and let out a sigh. It's 5:16am and I didn't do much thinking last night. Misha wouldn't stop texting me, Jared turned his phone off and Richard found me and asked me to help with some editing. I finally got back to my trailer around 11:39pm and I was so exhausted I thought about Misha until I fell asleep of course, even then I think I still thought of him. I need to talk to him but I'm afraid of what I'm going to say or if his going to take back saying he loves me.

I stand up and put the bottle of scotch back in the cupboard. I splash some cold water from the sink on my face to help me feel fresh, unfortunately I didn't have a shower in my trailer.. weird I know but it's never normally necessarily. I open my trailer door and step outside stretching breathing in the fresh air. I could hear Misha's voice around the corner. I jump back in the trailer and close the door so he wouldn't see me. I feel like a school girl who as embarrassed at school and is hiding from everyone. I'm a man not a kid. I swallow hard and open my door again and step out. I can do this, I repeat to myself. I start walking towards the set and every step closer I could feel my heart beat faster and sweat dripping down my back. "Jensen.." I heard his voice from behind. I wanted to keep walking but my body had its own mind. I stopped and turned around to look at him. He looks how I feel dead. "Misha.." I say clearing my throat. He smiles at me and places his hand out for a handshake, which I find weird for him. I shake his hand and feel him passing a piece of paper into my hand. He walked off and I opened the paper.

'I'm telling Vicki tonight.. You can do what you want. I won't mention it was you but I can't keep pretending I love her.'

His telling his wife he had an affair?? I scrunch the paper up and shove it into my pocket. "Hey you guys seen Misha?" I asked some set guys who all shook there heads. Should he tell his wife he was cheating on her? Should I tell Danneel?...

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