Chapter 13

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*Misha's POV*

"I will take this one please." I point to the digital camera in the window. I woke up early this morning and snuck out to organize Jensen's birthday. I had to stop and get his gift as I hadn't had time in the past few days. "Thank you." I say smiling at the cashier and grab the gift thats been wrapped. Jensen has been talking non stop for the last 3 months on set how he wants a digital camera to capture the beautiful things in life. I grab breakfast for us before heading back to the trailer.

I open the door and see Jensen sitting up next to West. "Good morning birthday boy." I lean down and kiss his lips. "Is that a present for me daddy?" I smile at West and run my fingers through his hair. "No Westy this is for Uncle Jensen." "You mean Daddy Jensen?" West says smiling up at me with nutella over his face. "Come here." I say kneeling down smiling as he runs towards me. I wipe his face with a wet cloth and kiss his forehead. "Time for school then your staying at Uncle Jared's tonight and Daddy will pick you up tomorrow." I say kissing his cheeks. "Daddy stop." West giggles pushing me away running off to get ready. "Now can I have my gift?" Jensen says with puppy eyes. "Well I got us breakfast but seems you took care of West's. Here's your coffee and bacon and egg burger." "Thanks baby." He kisses my cheek before taking a bite out of the burger. "Now this gift? Is it for me?" I nod my head smiling. He grabs the card and reads it. "You wrote me a poem? You are such a cutie." He says biting his lip. I hand him his present and within seconds he takes the paper off. I looked as his face lit up. "No way!" He shouted. I grabbed my phone out to take a photo of him with the camera.

 I grabbed my phone out to take a photo of him with the camera

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"That's a keeper." I giggle. "I'll get you back." He leans in and kisses my lips then bites my bottom lip. He leans back and smiles at me. "Thank you Misha."

*Jensen's POV*

After what Misha has done for me today, I feel bad for lying to him yesterday. I can't tell him the truth today, we have a night planned for us of adventurous things. "What's on the agenda for today?" I look over to Misha who is eating his breakfast. "Well take West to school then I was thinking we could spend the day looking at apartments?.." He mumbles the word apartment. "What did you say?" "Well I'm getting sick of sleeping on the floor so I wanted to look for an apartment for us all. All though we aren't officially dating I'd still like you to move in with us." I pick him up and hug him. "I'd love that." I kiss his cheek and spin us around. "Are you two dancing?" West says interrupting the moment. "You ready buddy?" Misha says as I let him down to the ground. "Yep." We get in the car and drop West off. "Time to look at some places?" I look over at Misha and put my hand on his lap.

The first apartment we looked at we fell in love we could see ourselves living there. "This one's perfect." I whisper to Misha who agrees that this is the one and we don't need to inspect the others. We were walking back to the car holding hands when Misha stopped to look around as he did I quickly snapped a picture of him.

 We were walking back to the car holding hands when Misha stopped to look around as he did I quickly snapped a picture of him

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"Babe that's going to be a keeper. Hang it in our hallway." I laugh showing him the picture. "We have to go check into the hotel." Misha says kissing me before he opens the passenger door for me.

*Misha's POV*

"Checking in for Misha." I stood at the counter as Jensen walked around the receptionist area taking in the scenery. "Here's your room key sir. Enjoy your stay." I smile at the lady if only she knew how much we would enjoy sleeping in a bed and not on the floor. "Ready?" I walk over to Jensen who smiles at me. We get to our level and I open our room. I asked if they could make it romantic as much as possible. "Misha I have to capture this." Jensen takes his camera out and takes his 30th photo of today.

" Jensen takes his camera out and takes his 30th photo of today

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I pick the champagne glasses up and hand one to Jensen. "Happy birthday babe, I hope you have had a wonderful day finding us a place we can call home and I hope you have a wonderful night as we have wild sex." I raise my glass as I wait for Jensen to raise his. "Thank you Misha for everything for today and for loving me. To our future." We clink glasses and take a sip of our champagne. "Beep, beep." Our phones go off. Tweet from Mark Sheppard.

Jensen and I look up at each other in awe

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Jensen and I look up at each other in awe. "She shares the same birthday with such a handsome man." I smile placing my phone back in my pocket. I put the drink down and pull Jensen in towards me. "Kiss me." He whispers as I kiss him he starts unbuckling my pants. I smile through us kissing and take off his shirt. We fall back onto the bed making the rose pedals fly everywhere. Jensen starts kissing my neck and sucking on it teasing me.


I place my head on Jensen's chest listening to his heart beat go crazy as we both try and catch our breath. "This was the best sex I have ever had." He says out of breath. "Was I bad before or something?" I joke. "No baby but being able to do you hard without carpet burn is so good." I kiss his chest softly as we lay there just cuddling. I don't know who fell asleep first but I know it was in each others arms.

Happy birthday Jensen! Here is the chapter for Jensen's Birthday. Congratulations to Mark and Sarah on there beautiful baby girl Isabella. I was going to detail there sex but I am still uncomfortable writing sex parts and also suck at them atm. But hopefully in future that will change. x

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