Chapter 3

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*Jensen's POV*
I take a deep breathe in as Misha stands from his position. "What is it?" He said looking at me. "Well um.. don't get mad or anything.. it's not like I did anything wrong it's normal.." "Just spill Jensen don't waste time." I let out a heavy sigh. "I slept with Danneel last night." I felt as if a huge amount of stress that was on my shoulders weighing me down just lifted. I watched as he took it in, the room stayed silent for a while before he got up and stood in front of me. "Okay." He said before putting his shoes on. "Okay?" I questioned him as he looked over at me and nodded. "You're not mad, hurt nothing?" He shakes his head and smiles. "Jensen you slept with your wife that's normal." They way he said it I still felt like I was cheating on him.. I don't know why it hurts me knowing he isn't hurt by me sleeping with my wife but I know I'd be hurt.. or feel betrayed if he slept with Vicki... "Okay then." I say pulling my pants up. "Guess this isn't happening?" I smirked as he grabbed his phone from the table. "It's getting late. Goodnight Jensen." Just like that he walked out the door.


*Misha's POV*

"Misha are you feeling better buddy?" I nod my head at Jared who puts his arm around my shoulder. "Good. We have a big day today and Jensen's directing." I roll my eyes and fake a smile. "Great." I say sarcastically.

"Misha I need you on set in 5." I nod my head and walk over to my position awaiting the directions. Jensen and I may have our 'issues.' How ever were professional about it... Usually. The day went on and we didn't speak apart from our lines or when he was directing me to do something. "Misha that's not right cut." I rolled my eyes and threw my head back. "This is the 3rd take on this and every time we do it you don't like it." Jensen walks over towards me and moves me out of my place and shows me what he wants me to do. "This is bullshit." I throw my hands in the air and storm off set. "Misha. Misha!" I heard Jensen shout my name.

I walked to my trailer and slammed the door. I needed to blow off some steam. I take the trench coat off and fall onto the couch and scream into the cushions. "ARGH!" I hear a loud knock on my door. "Fuck off." "Misha." I hear Jared's voice. "Fuck off please?" "I won't leave till I speak with you. Now open this door." I groan and get up and unlock the door allowing Jared in. "What." I look up at him. "I'm really concerned about you Misha... What's going on?" I let out a heavy sigh and sit down. "Jensen." I choke saying his name. "What about him?" I could feel myself about to cry when I look up at Jared who looks confused.

"I'm in love with him." I saw Jared's eyes widen in shock, before he could speak I turned to see Jensen. "Oh god.. Jensen!" I scream as he steps out of my trailer and places his hands on his knees, he looks like his about to be sick. "Jensen.." I walk closer towards him and place my hand on his back, he flinches away from me and looks at me. "Don't touch me!" He walks off and I watch him till he wasn't visible. I could feel my heart shatter. "What just happened.. Was I pranked?" Jared's in denial and I don't blame him. Jensen and I are both married and should love and be with our wives and only them. "Jared please go see if his okay... You're the only person he trusts and would even want to see right now." He nods his head and gives me a pat on the back to reassure me. I wish I didn't love Jensen but I do.


Sorry I haven't updated this one in a while. Will be making Friday the day I update this story. Till then. x

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