Chapter 30

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*Misha's POV*

I roll over to see Jensen sitting up watching me sleep. "Hi.." I whisper as he leans down and kisses me on the lips softly. It felt nice to wake up to him, to sleep in a soft bed compared to prison. "Someone is here to see you." Jensen says taking a sip of his coffee. "Who?" I lean myself forward. "Vicki." He says getting off the bed. I throw the blankets off of me and put my feet inside my slippers. Walking down stairs I can hear West playing, I walk into the living room to see Vicki sitting on the couch and West on the floor playing. "Hi?" I say walking closer as she stands up. "Misha, I am sorry I have no been in contact. I was meaning to call sooner, Jensen did call but I just was still coping with everything. I am sorry for what you had to go through." She says giving me a reassuring smile. "I fell in love while I was away.." She says looking at the ground. "I am happy for you Vicki." I smile at her as she looks back at me. "I don't want to have West full time but I would like to have him every second weekend if that would be okay with you?"

*Jensen's POV*

It was nice having Misha back, even if we have a lot to work through. I am willing to make what we have work what ever it takes. I walk downstairs to rinse my cup when I over hear Vicki asking if she could have West every second weekend. Was she giving Misha basically full custody? I stand at the sick listening. "I would have to speak to Jensen about it. His my partner and he has as much say in it as I do.." I could feel myself smiling. "Jensen?" I hear Misha yell. "Yeah babe?" I walk in and wrap my arm around his waist. "Do you want to be West's guardians? We won't have him every second weekend however the other time his ours and I don't want to make a decision without your input." I smile as I squeeze him harder. "I would love to have West." Misha has given me one thing I always wanted, to be a father. Vicki didn't stay long but she took West today which was good for all of us especially for me, I could do anything I wanted to do to Misha. I sat across from him in the living room as he read his book. "Why are you staring at me?" He said putting his book down and coming over and sitting down on my lap. I get up and pick him up having his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms around my neck, I spin around looking in his eyes as I lean in and kiss him. I lean him against the wall and suck his neck, It was getting heated in here. I started to take off my clothes and just as the boxers were coming off the doorbell rang. "Argh!" I let out as Misha jumps down. "I just want to fuck you, this is torture." I groan as I follow him to the door opening it to the police it just reminded me of when they took Misha away from me. "Misha was found innocent." I said quickly, scared for the outcome. "We know. We are here to inform you of who did kill your wife Jensen." I open the door half naked and allow them inside. "Coffee?" They shake their heads and sit down as Misha and I do the same sitting in front of them. "It was believed your wife Danneel was seeing someone else, his name was Brad Kernall. He has been in trouble with the law multiple of times but never for anything to serious. He came in 12 hours ago and confessed to murdering Ms Ackles. We couldn't inform you till we made sure he did take the life of Danneel. He said that she wanted to end things in hopes of reconciling her marriage with you. He was angry and pushed her making her hit her head against the counter. He left before checking on her as he was to angry and it wasn't until he came back into town yesterday he heard of her death. He never intended on killing Danneel he also didn't know she was pregnant. We thought we best inform you before you hear it from someone else." I sit there feeling angry, hurt and upset I just can't believe the girl I was married to and loved for many years I didn't even know her, she was living a double life for most of our marriage and I am no saint I cheated on her as well but how could she get so angry at me and not even admit she had an affair as well? I give a nod and a smile to the officers as I open the door. "Thank you." I say before closing the door. "That chapter is closed for good." Misha says relieved as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. We lay in bed my head on his stomach as he plays with my hair. "Misha?" I say softly. "Yeah baby?" "I love you." "I love you too Jensen." He kisses me softly as I close my eyes and fall asleep to his heart beat.

This isn't the end of our story, this is only the beginning.

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