Chapter 16

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2 Weeks since Jensen's birthday.

*Jensen's POV*

"Jensen!" I hear Misha call my name behind me as I run upstairs to our soon to be bedroom. "Come back here." He grabs my waist and pulls me into him. I start laughing as he tickles me to the ground. "Stop, stop." Misha leans down and kisses my lips slowly as I wrap my legs around his waist and he picks me up pushing me against the wall sucking my neck. I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall letting out a moan. "Misha.." I moan his name. I open my eyes ready to take his shirt off when I seen West. "Misha stop." "I will when were done." "No Misha stop." I say unwrapping my legs and putting my feet on the ground. I clear my throat as Misha turns around to see West. "Daddy were you making babies?" I let out a small laugh and see Misha turn back at me annoyed. I bite my lip, "I'll be down stairs." I kiss his cheek before heading down stairs. "How do you like the house?" I stop to see the realestate lady standing in front of me. "We love it. I believe we're ready to sign the papers." I smile at her. "Great. I think it's great you and your best friend are investing in a property together." I look at her and lick my lips. "Actually his my partner.." "Business partner?" I shake my head. "No his my other half, my boyfriend." I say putting my hands in my pocket. "Well, we don't discriminate. You and your boyfriend will have a lot of wonderful memories here." I smile and shake her hand before walking her out. "West, Misha. Welcome to our new home." I open my arms wide and smile. Misha runs and jumps into my arms his legs around my waist and kisses me smiling. "Guys.." West sighs behind us. "Sorry kiddo." We laugh. "Hey, maybe we should discuss with Danneel about you having half custody, we can have a nursery room for him or her." I smile at Misha and hug him. "Thank you.." "For what?" "For understanding, loving me even though my ex wife is going to have my baby. For supporting me." "Of course Jensen. I love you, I will do anything for you. You said ex wife?" I nod my head smiling. "The divorce was finalized yesterday. She got the house and the cars but I did win something, you." I kiss his cheek and interwine our fingers as we walk towards the car. "When do we move in?" West shouts from the car. "We can start today!" I clap my hands smiling at him.

"Hey can you answer my phone babe. I'm  driving so I can't." I smile over at Misha who pulls my phone out of my pocket. "Hello Jensen's phone Misha speaking. It's Danneel." "Put it on bluetooth babe." He presses the bluetooth button in the car. "West why don't you listen to your music with your headphones." I look in the mirror and see West nod his head. "Hey Dan what's up?" "I have my 6 week scan tomorrow and wanted to know if you'd like to come?" "Yeah I'd love to. What time?" "4:20pm."  "We're moving tomorrow but I think we can spare time and ask Jared to look after West while we tag along." "We? Misha is coming as well?" "Yeah of course Danneel his ny partner and as much as you don't like it his going to be apart of our child's life." I look over at Misha and place my hand on his lap. "Okay, I will see you guys then.. Bye." I press the hang up button and smile at Misha. "I don't have to go babe." "Don't be silly Misha, I want you there." I grab his hand and bring it up to my lips placing a kiss on them.

*Misha's POV*

"Viki it's me again. I understand you need time but it's been a month now and West misses you. He won't stop asking when you are coming home. Just give me a call so you can speak to your son.. Bye." I hang up the phone and sigh. "No answer?" Jensen says taping the box up. "I just don't understand. She's not with any family nor have they heard from her and she hasn't returned my calls.." He leans against the sink facing me as I lean against the table. "She will come around babe." "I know, It's just West. She's dissapointing him." I kiss Jensen's cheek before picking up a box to put it in the car. "West is passed out in the car. I think his excited to have his own room again." I smile at Jensen while his locking the trailer. "I can't believe out of our marriages this is all we have a car full." We get in the car and head to the new place. "We need to go shopping tomorrow, come home and unpack as much as we can before Danneel's Appointment. Jared said he can take West for the weekend which gives us some alone time and time to set up our home." "You're so switched on. I don't know how I'm going to cope being a father.." I can't believe Danneel was 2 weeks pregnant when Jensen and her  were still together and she didn't even know.. Maybe she fell pregnant that night he told me they had recently  slept together. "Babe you will be a great father. I've seen the way you are with West I will always be by your side every step of the way." "I love you Misha Collins." He looks over at me and smiles. "I love you too Jensen Ackles."

I know I said they were moving into an apartment but I decided to do a house instead. :)

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