Chapter 27

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(Play the song while reading this chapter please and thank you.)

2 weeks later

*Misha's POV*

"Mail time boys." I stand up from my bed hoping to recieve a letter back from Jensen. "Collins." The guard hands me a stack of letters all with Return to sender. written on them. I wish Jensen would just read them.. I place them in the box with the other un opened envelopes. Jared visits me regularly which is nice but his brutally honest saying that he is basically the only one who thinks I am innocent everyone else thinks there was motive. I can't believe my friends and family think I would do such a thing. I am a father and I love my son with all my heart, I'd never do anything to jeopardize myself to be taken away from him especially when his own mother isn't around. "Visiting time." A guard shouts. "You know the rules if your name is called line up you have a visitor. Jack, Zac, Adan, Harold, Dave and Misha." I stand up and line up behind the guys.

*Jared's POV*

"Jensen it's been two weeks. You need to see Misha." I say on the phone as Jensen moans and groans as usual. "Jensen, I know you're going through a rough time at the moment but please remember Misha does love you and he DIDN'T do this. He will be found innocent believe me." I hear a dial tone and look down at my phone. He hung up on me, suprise. "Honey, maybe just let this sort itself out.." Gen walks in with a cup of tea. "You don't understand babe. I am the only one who believes he is innocent. How would it make you feel if it was reverse? If I was the one who was in prison and only you believed I was innocent." She kisses my cheek softly. "You are a good man. That is why I married you."

*Jensen's POV*

"Is dad home." I mimic West as he asks the same question every day. "Does it look likes his home?" I snap. "You are a mean person when you have drinks.." He says crying. "Grow up." He looks up at me and starts hitting me. "I hate you!" He screams as I push him off of me making him fall to the floor. "West I'm-" He starts screaming. "What's wrong!?" I lean down next to him. "I want daddy!!" He yells through his tears. I pull out my phone and dial Jared's number. "Jensen? What's going on? Why is West screaming?" "I need help.." I whisper sitting on the floor. "I'll be there soon." "West, I am so sorry.." I go to touch him when he shifts away from me. His afraid of me, I could feel my heart break into pieces. Jared barges through the front door and kneels down to West. "What did you do!?" He looks at me angry. "I just, it was an accident, I shoved him. I'm so sorry.." Jared gets up carrying West outside. I hear him drive off as I get up from the floor I see the empty bottles of beer. I needed, missed and wanted Misha back so badly. Deep down inside I've known all along he wouldn't hurt me or anyone else..

*Misha's POV*

"Jared." I smile as he stands up moving aside as he does I see West behind him. "Daddy!" West screams and runs towards me hugging me. "West, I've missed you so much." I wrap my arms around him and hug him. "I thought you left like mummy.." "I'd never leave." I kiss his cheek and I could feel tears roll down my face, happy ones. I mouth 'thank you' to Jared as I get up off my knees I notice West's arms in a cast. "What happened?" "I brought him straight here after the hospital. I think it's best he stays with me and Gen until the hearing." I sit down across from Jared and West. "Did Jensen do this?" I look at West angrily. "Yes.." He whispers. "Did you and other daddy have a fight? Is that why you aren't home?" "You could say that." I say grinding my teeth. "How could Jensen hurt him?" I say looking at Jared. "His not been himself Misha." "So it gives him the right to hurt a innocent child?" We sit in silence for a while as West talks about his adventures and what's been going on the last two weeks. "Visiting time is up." I hug West tightly before I am pulled away. "By daddy! I love you.." West screams. "I love you to, Daddy loves you to." I say before I am shoved back into the prison halls.

*Jensen's POV*

I call Jared's phone again and he finally picks up. "About time! Is he okay?" "His fine.. He is a bit shocked, his frightened of you Jensen." I bite my lip and look down to the floor. "I'm so sorry Jared.. I didn't mean to. I'm just glad his okay.." "You broke his arm Jensen.." "I didn't even push him that hard!?" "He moved his arm out to catch his fall and forcefully being pushed down his arm couldn't support him and it broke. He will be okay, his arm will recover fine. We just finished from seeing Misha." "Did you tell him?.." "I had to. Misha and I think it's best West stays with Gen and I for a bit." "Okay.." I mumble. "Take care of yourself. Get yourself together." "I will.." I hang up the phone and dial the prisons number. "Yes hi, I would like to speak to one of the inmates at your prison." I sit down on the chair and let out a heavy sigh. "His name's Misha Collins." I don't blame Misha if he wanted to decline my call, I just hope he isn't as heartless as I have been these past few weeks. I never meant to hurt West and I will never forgive myself, his just a child and he didn't deserve me lashing out at him and I will try my hardest to make it up to him.. I just hope West and Misha can forgive me..

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