Chapter 22

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*Misha's POV*

I look down and see that I have a missed call from Jensen. I listen to his voicemail and let out a heavy sigh. I'm so confused right now. I turn my phone off and go inside the gym. "Hi Misha." I smile and head into the change room where I leave my bag. Time to clear the mind.

*Jensen's POV*

"My room is all clean. Did you find daddy?" I hear West run up behind me. "He is out still but said to eat without him and that he will be here when you wake up tomorrow." I smile as West sits down at the table. I place a plate of lasagna down as he starts eating it. "Goodnight little man." I say closing his door. I call Misha again and it goes straight to voicemail. "Misha, please call me. I'm worried about you." I head into bed and get under the covers, I don't think I can sleep knowing his out there and not next to me in bed.

*Misha's POV*

I walk into the change room sweating. I grab my towel and wipe my face before picking up my bag. I walk out and see that I was the last to leave. Sitting in the car I turn my phone on and see I have 8 new missed calls from Jensen. I pull up in our drive way and stumble up the stairs with what little energy I have in me after that work out and lay down next to Jensen. "Hey!" I hear Jensen wake and turn the light on. "Misha, I was so worried about you. Where have you been?" He sits up and hugs me. "I went to the gym for a work out." I say pulling away. "You couldn't call or text?" "My phone was off." "Misha what's wrong?" "Why are you still here Jensen? Why are you pretending and dragging this out?" He looks at me with confusion. "What?" "I over heard you and Danneel talking, she said she missed you and you said you missed her too." I lay down and roll over so my back is facing him. "Wow, and if you had stayed and continued to ears drop you would know that after I said I miss you too I said that I loved you now. I miss her because she was once my wife, my best friend we had a life together and it's not easy just having her out of my life completely, you shouldn't be upset, jealous or fear that I still want her when I only want you. I miss her but not romantically." I roll over and face him. "I'm sorry.. I guess with everything go on, I was just afraid that I was going to lose you.. You've always wanted to be a dad, have a family and she's giving you that." "Misha, you have given me a family. I have you and West." He smiles at me and kisses my lips. "I love you." "I love you too." I smile as he wraps his arms around me.

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