Chapter 14

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*Misha's POV*

I slowly open my eyes and sit up having my elbows support me. I look up and see the bed. So much for sleeping on a bed I think to myself. I get up from the floor and see Jensen passed out on the bed spread out. I have no idea how I ended up on the floor. I smile down at him and walk over to grab my phone so I can capture him sleeping. I look down and see #JensenAckles trending. I suppose because his birthday was yesterday he would be trending. I click on twitter and write.

"Life is a journey and I don't intend on wasting it."

The tweet is about ending my relationship with Viki and starting a journey with Jensen. Of course none of the fans know this. They still assume we're happily married. I decided to check out some tweets that I have been mentioned in.

"@MishaCollins I guess there is no hope of #Destiel or even #Cockles. But your wives are lucky to have you. x"

There were a ton of tweets about Jensen and Danneel.. I follow link after link till I reach the last link. There's an attachment, a photo. Captioned.

"Jensen and Danneel seen two days ago at Frequa Cafe. Jensen is seen giving Danneel a kiss on the cheek. The romance is still alive."

I stare at the picture for what seemed like hours

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I stare at the picture for what seemed like hours. I put the phone down on the bedside table and looked down at Jensen who 'innocently' sleeps. I kick the bed hard making it shake. "Get up." I say sternly. He moved his head towards my side and opened his eyes. "Morning babe." He smiled at me, that smile usually makes me weak but I am just so angry. "Don't you babe me." He sits up and crawls on the bed towards me. "Misha what's wrong?" He looks into my eyes and I just want to kiss him but how can I? He was seeing Danneel behind my back.. I guess I deserved it with me cheating on Viki behind her and Danneels back but I just thought if I found the one I really loved cheating wouldn't be an answer. "We need to talk." I say moving away from him. "Was it the sex? I didn't really bring my A game I was distracted and tired.. I can make it up to you now." I want to take him up on that offer, sex with him is never ever bad. I pick up my phone and unlock it, clicking on the picture. "Not the sex. But you were distracted all right. Distracted on when or if I was going to find out." "Find out what?" He replies clueless. I show him the picture on my phone. "Oh.." He says getting off the bed standing next to me. "Misha, I can explain."

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