Chapter 8

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*Misha's POV*

Jensen doesn't live to far from work but the Internet is faster. It's been quite for to long, I want to know what he is thinking and if his okay.. "Jensen.." I say softly looking over to him. "Yeah?" He responds not taking his eyes off the road. "Are you okay?" He looks over at me for the first time since we left set, I could see that his eyes were watery but he was fighting the tears back. Danneel means a lot to him as Viki did to me.. I don't want Jensen to feel like he has to do this because of me. We can just say we were rehearsing a scene, let the lie drag out. "I'm more than okay Misha." He gives me a reassuring smile and places his hand on my lap the other on the steering wheel.

We pull up in the driveway and it's a good sign that Danneel isn't waiting outside or that his stuff is all over the lawn. "Do you want me to wait here?" Jensen turns his head to face me. "No. I want you to come in.. Please?" I nod my head and step out of the car following Jensen into his house. "Dan?" He calls her name nearly choking. "Hey babe what are you doing home so early? I thought you had to work late?" She places a kiss on his cheek making him flinch and look straight at me. I smile at him as she walks over and gives me a hug. "So good to see you Misha!" She says with excitement.

"We need to talk.." Danneel turns to look at Jensen and then me. "Okay.." We head to the lounge room and sit down. "So what do you want to talk about?" She looks directly at Jensen. "Love, Marriage, Life... Us." He replies mumbling the 'us' part. "What are you trying to say?.." She tries to hold back her tears.

Her phone is going crazy I assume twitter of people tweeting the photo.. It's probably been seen by everyone. "I should get that.." She stands to walk towards her phone where it sits on the coffee table. "No!" Jensen shouts and throws the phone across the room. "Jensen!!" She screams. "I'm sorry. But this is important and it can't wait any longer." He stands his ground making her sit back down.

"I knew this was going to happen." "I'm sorry Danneel. The day I married you, I neved thought this is where we would be." "We can make this work. We can start fresh, start a family like you have wanted." "Dan. It's to late.." She starts crying not holding back. "But I love you!" She says through her crying. "I'm sorry.." "Is there someone else?" I was waiting for Jensen to say no to make this situation more bearable but when he said yes, I was shocked. "I don't want to lie to you anymore.. Yes. I have met someone else, I wanted you to hear this from me not someone else." "Do I know them?" She raises her voice. "Yes. It's Misha.. and I think I'm In love with him." Jensen looks at me while he says that. I couldn't help but smile even though it's a terrible situation. "YOU THINK? You are just willing to throw away your marriage for a feeling you think you have?!" She walked slowly towards Jensen making him stand up. "Danneel. What we had was amazing and I did love you. I didn't mean to hurt you." She slaps Jensen across the face and looks over at me about to do the same, Jensen moves in front of me protecting me. "Does Viki know?" She asks sobbing. "Yes." I say choking. This was the first thing I said since we started this conversation and I was processing it all. "Get out." She points her finger to the door. "Dan.. Please." "I SAID GET OUT!" She pushes Jensen making him lose his balance, luckily I was behind him and caught him or he would have fallen. "Come on Jensen.. Let's go." He follows behind me and we hear the door slam shut and Danneel scream. I offer to drive and get in the car as Jensen bursts into tears. "Hey.. It's okay. I'm here." I rub his shoulder as he looks at me. "No, it's not okay Misha.. I should feel bad, upset or hurt. I don't.. I feel happy. I feel happy and that I have had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders." He starts crying again. He feels bad for being happy and I understand I sort of felt the same when I ended it with Viki, I was free. "What can I do to make you feel better?" I raise his head to look at me as I wipe tears off his face. "Kiss me.. Please.. Just kiss me." I lean in and pull him in closer and kiss him passionately. "Let's go home.." Thankfully I had a friend pick West up from school and take care of him for the night. He isn't ready for this and Jensen and I need alone time.

Hope you enjoyed this update. Looking forward to the next few chapters they will definitely shock you. :) x

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