St. Patricks

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I sighed and slumped back in my chair, giving up the losing fight I was having with the sister.

"Look, all I'm saying is that I think 'Global Warming' is just in people's heads. I honestly doubt the world is coming to an end."

"Angela, don't start; not today. I have a terrible headache. Can we just drop this?"

"I will ... when you stop telling me my opinion is wrong." I mumbled that last part under my breath. Why did it seem like I went through this every day? I felt so awkward and out of place. All of the kids here seemed well behaved, and most all of them had parents with successful jobs. I shouldn't even be here. I'm not even catholic. Well, technically I don't consider myself catholic, but my parents claim we are.

On top of that, I was here on grants and vouchers. My parents said something along the lines of, "Maybe this will have a good influence on you" as they signed away my life to this private school, tearing me away from my public school friends. My parents were under the assumption that public school and my friends there were corrupting me and making me lose focus on my school work. The truth being that I never really cared for school. It's not that I'm not smart or that I don't understand, I just feel like there is nothing here they can teach me that can hold my interest. Rarely do I have a class that can make me want to sit and learn what they are spouting out for fifty minutes at a time. No matter the case, I hated being stuck in this hell-hole known as St. Patrick's Catholic School. I was torn from my train of thought when I could hear mumbling outside the classroom door.

"Just so you know, I have no desire to be here right now. If I had it my way, I'd still be in a public school" said voice number one.

"I know. You've told us a dozen times already" sighed voice number two. The first voice I heard was unfamiliar to me, but I definitely knew the second one: The Ever Prestigious Principal. Yuck. There was a quick series of knocks on the door before the knob turned and in stepped The Principal and ... oh my.

"Sister Agatha, I have a new student for you" stated The Principal.

"So I see. Well, come on in and introduce yourself." Sister Agatha replied oh-so-cheerfully...

This mysterious, and might I add quiet attractive, man approached the front of the classroom. I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was. His hair was a slick shade of black that blended into an intense shade of red in his bangs. It was just the right amount of messy. Like he had just woken up and ran some gel through it. I let my eyes linger a little longer before falling down to his mesmerizing hazel eyes. Glinting just below his eyes was a tight nose ring, and just below that, a just as eye catching lip ring. Even in this terrible florescent lighting it looked good. Every feature of him appeared to be flawless. I was concentrating so hard on his looks that I hardly even noticed when he started talking.

"My name is Frank Iero. I'm 18 and I transferred from a public school, and now I am stuck here with the rest of you." He said in a rush, an adorable side smirk sliding across his face as he looked over the classroom then to the sister. He came off a little arrogant but good Lord did his looks make up for it.

"Thank you for that... introduction. Now please find a seat anywhere you like" Sister said dryly. Frank just nodded his head nonchalantly back at her. He glanced over the room for an open seat. For a split second I felt his eyes locked on to mine. As strange as it sounds I couldn't help but hold my breath. There was something about this boy, and I don't know if it is good or bad, but I just knew I had to get to know him. When his eyes locked on to mine, I had expected time to stop or just to slow down a little bit like it does in the movies. I waited for something script worthy to happen, but to my dismay he continued to glance around the room for a seat. I was rudely dragged back to reality and shook my head slightly. Are you nuts? Do you even remember his name? my subconscious said, rolling it's eyes at me I'm sure. I felt my face flush. I'm acting like I've never seen an attractive guy before. I looked around the room to see a few other girls with their mouths hanging slightly open, gawking at the new guy. Figures. At least I'm not the only one. Again I was ripped from my string of thoughts when he spoke up again.

"Mrs. Aga-"

"Sister" she corrected him promptly.

"Mph... Sister Agatha, there are no more seats."

"Hmm... well, you'll just have to stand and use the cabinets as a desk. Class is almost over anyway."

He turned back to the class and began walking down the aisle... my aisle. I tried my best not to stare at him. I felt my cheeks heat up when he stopped next to my desk and hopped up on the cabinet behind me. I willed myself to breath normally and cool my cheeks down as I tried to stealthily and slowly look up at him. He caught my gaze and smiled. My face was heating up again. So much for that.

"Hey" he whispered. All I could do was smile and nod. I gulped down the lump in my throat that had formed, making it hard to breathe. Get a grip! I thought to myself. He's going to think I'm a total creeper. I forced myself to face forward the rest of the time.


The last fifteen minutes seemed to drag on forever. The sound of the bell ringing snapped me out of my day dreaming. I jumped up too quickly and accidentally bumped my knee into my desk rather hard. I took a step back as I held my throbbing knee, balancing myself on one foot. When I felt the pain slowly fading, I put my foot back down on the floor. I heard an "Oof" noise and felt something under me. I quickly moved out of the way and turned around wide eyed. The new guy was bending over slightly, rubbing his foot.

"I am so sorry. I forgot you were back there. Are you okay?"

"It's okay. I'm fine really." he replied laughing a little bit. I felt my mouth pull up into a smile.

"Well ... um ... I ... okay." I stumbled over my words. I turned around and bent over to grab my books off my desk. I tried to steal one more glance over my shoulder without him seeing only to find that he was staring at me with that sideways smile again. I stood up straight and stared at him awkwardly for a moment and swallowed hard before finally sputtering out, "See you later." I turned my back to him once more before darting out the door in hopes to make it to my next class on time, the whole while trying to wipe the grin off my face.

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