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“Angela …” His voice was seething. He was right behind me from the sounds of it. I gripped the keys tightly in my hand before turning around to face him.


He stood just one car length away from me. He had a small bandage across the bridge of his nose and both his eyes were black underneath from bruising. I swallowed hard and tried my best to hide the fact that I was shaking. He took a step toward me and I instinctively took a step back. I saw a smirk slid up on his face.

“How’s your hand?” He nodded toward my cast as he shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth casually on his heels. I stared on at him not even flinching.

“How’s your nose?”

I saw his lip twitch slightly but his smirk didn’t falter. He took another step toward me and I stepped back. I felt my fingertips graze the car. I took a deep breath and in a swift motion I turned toward the car and attempted to unlock it. As I fumbled to get the right key I felt Aaron’s hand grasp my good hand and twist it behind my back, causing the keys to fall to the ground. I went to pick them up but I felt his other hand fist my hair and the nape of my neck and pull. He pulled me backwards so I was pressed against him. I opened my mouth to scream but he quickly shut me up by tugging my hair harder so I only let out a grunt.

“Scream and I’ll break your other hand.” He whispered in my ear. I snapped my mouth shut and began breathing heavily.

“What do you want?”


“I got suspended.”

“So did I!” He spat, tugging on my hair again and I yelped.

“If you want to hit me, then hit me. Don’t drag this shit out.” I said through gritted teeth, trying not to focus on the pain of my hair being slowly ripped out as he tugged.

“Sorry sweetheart. As much as I’d love to, and believe me I would, I don’t hit girls. Unfortunately, I don’t have any help with me today otherwise it could have been arranged.”

“Oh, so you were going to have some girl beat me up? That’s rich.”

“Keep pressing your luck and I’ll do it myself. Besides, it seems like your daddy does enough damage without my help.”

I inhaled sharply. How does he know about that? I decided to avoid the question.

“What do you want then, and will you please let go of my fucking hair?” I had attempted to slip out of his grasp but it was no use. Surprisingly, he obliged but quickly snapped me around to face him, pinning me between him and the car.

“Like I said, as far as getting even is concerned, you’re off limits to me. That doesn’t mean there are things I can’t do …” He leaned into my body more. I felt my stomach lurch.

“I’d rather you break every bone in my body then sleep with you, asshole.”

To my surprise, he let out a loud laugh. I stared at him confused.

“Trust me, if I run out of girls to fuck, I’ll get ahold of you. Not that I’m not curious as to how your soft skin would feel… against mine…” He ran the back of his hand slowly down my cheek. I cringed turning away from him. He quickly grabbed my face and turned me so I was looking at him. “That’s besides the fucking point. Just because I can’t hit you doesn’t mean I can’t hit Frank.”

I froze in horror. How did he know Frank, or know that we were together?

“That is his name? Frank Iero? It’d be a real fucking shame if he got hurt, wouldn’t it?”

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