You Sure About That?

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Eight o'clock rolled around and I was doing the finishing touches on my hair and make-up. Not much to it, but I still wanted to make an attempt to look good, even if it was just for Frank. I had on capris, one of Frank’s tight fitting Misfits shirt that he let me cut up and make a little more girly with a braided back and the shoulders hanging off, and my sparkly Toms. I had my hair in a messy bun, but it had to be the right amount of messy. My eye makeup was bright and colorful to match the colors of my shirt. I smiled at myself as I strutted out of the bathroom. Frank was leaning against his door frame, arms crossed. I fake pouted at him and held my hands behind my back.


"Took long enough."

"Sorry..." I muffled as I strutted past him into his bedroom. He grabbed ahold of my wrist and pulled me back to him, wrapping his arms around me. I gasped at how quick he jerked me to him but smiled when he was just inches from my face.

"You still look super-hot." He leaned in and kissed my nose, making me laugh.

"Thanks. You ready?"

"I've been ready." He said. I rolled my eyes.

“Alright, alright. We can go now.” I grabbed my jacket off of his bed and made my way out of the door. We made the short drive to Gerard’s house. When we got there, I saw that there were already one or two cars parked out front. Some people were excited to get here I guess. We pulled up in front of the house and walked up to the front door. Before we could even knock, the door swung open and Gerard stood there with three beers in his hands.

“’Bout time. Get in here!” He thrust two beers at Frank and I and I gladly took mine. The beer would be fine for now, but I had a feeling I was going to need something a little stronger to get through tonight. As we stepped through the door, I turned to look at Gerard who caught my eye and gave me a wink. I smiled a little, feeling somewhat better. Gerard promised he was going to take care of this, and I believed him. Frank took a swig of his beer as he flopped down on the couch.

“So, some people showed up early.” Frank motioned to the people mingling in the kitchen. I think I saw Mikey standing among them.

“Kinda. I mean, I said nine and it’s already twenty till.”

I took off my jacket and threw it over the back of the couch before joining Frank. Gerard sat down on the coffee table in front of us.

“So, what took so long?” He asked, taking a nice chug of his beer. Part of me wanted to tell him to slow down if he planned on being sober when he talked to Frank, but I remembered his alcohol tolerance is legendary from what I have seen and heard so far. Frank sighed at Gerard’s question and nudged me. I faked hurt and sunk into the couch a little more.

“Sooorrryyy…” I drug the word out as I waved my hands dramatically. Gerard laughed at me.

“Well it was well deserved. You look great, Ang.” He tipped his beer can toward me. I blushed and smiled at him, ignoring Frank twitching next to me. He instinctively threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to him. I tried my best not to roll my eyes. Frank can get over it after what he has put me through the past few days. I just wish Gerard would hurry and straighten this out so we can go back to normal. I was wondering what Gerard had planned or when he was going to ask him. There was no way for me to find out with the three of us chatting like this though. Thankfully, to break the awkward tension, there was a knock at the door causing Gerard to stand and see who it was. As more people began to pour into the house, I scooted closer to Frank. Random people were leaning on the arms of the couch chatting and invading my personal space. Frank just smiled at me, obviously enjoying the fact that I was clinging to him.

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