You and Me Both

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I clung to Gerard, indulged in the feeling of his lips pressed to mine, both of us greedy. I was thankful for the strong grip he had around my waist, otherwise I would be a heap on the floor as I felt my shaky legs giving out under me. I let my arms slide up around his neck as I pulled him down closer to me. I felt his hands move up from my waist to the sides of my face. I reveled in his touch as it sent shivers down my spine. All of this felt new. I know I couldn’t recall any intimate moments with Gerard, but if this is what it felt like with him before, then I must be one lucky girl. I felt his fingers, trace the corners of my lips as he pressed hard against my lips before pulling away from me. I took a deep breath, still shaking from the intensity of the moment. I saw the pained look on Gerard’s face and I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

“What’s wrong?" I asked breathless.

He didn’t answer me right away. He just looked at the floor between our legs and shook his head.

“Gerard, what is it?” I let my hands slide from around his neck and down to his chest where I let my hands rest. I leaned forward to kiss his neck but he pulled away from me, holding me at arm’s length. I felt my cheeks start to heat up with embarrassment. What did I do? “Look, I may not remember much, but I remember you. It will come back to me, Gerard.”

“Angela, stop.” He dropped his hands and shoved them in his pants pockets. I crossed my arms over my chest defensively. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as the silence took over the room. I didn’t feel brave enough to ask him what had just happened so I just stood awkwardly as I waited for him to explain. After a moment, he ran his hands through his hair and pulled my desk chair out, offering it to me. Confused, I slowly sat down and watched as he crouched in front of me once again. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, changing what he wanted to say or how he was going to say it. I was starting to panic.

“Gerard … what is going on?” I finally asked him, getting fed up with this. I’m already embarrassed the way it is, the least he could do is explain. He finally looked me in the eye and sighed. He placed his hands on my thighs and gently moved his fingers in a circular motion, throwing off my concentration. I had to physically place my hand over his to stop what I was assume was his comforting gesture.

“Angela…” He cleared his throat about two or three times. “I’m … I’m not your boyfriend.”

“Wait … what?” I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry, this is all wrong." He closed his eyes and shook his head as he looked to the floor. i was dumbfounded.

"But you brought my stuff over. Why do I remember you? What about our song, the time in your basement? Why do I only remember things like that with you? What, did you break up with me? Did I break up with you?” I felt my anger boiling inside of me.

“Angela, listen to me. That’s not it. You and I were friends. We always were. The times in the basement that you remember were just what you remember, nothing else.”

“That doesn’t make any fucking sense, Gerard!” I stood up from the chair and began pacing the room. He watched me from where I left him, now standing. “I care about you. I can feel it.” I said as I stopped to look at him, pointing at my chest. “You care about me, too. I know you do. I could feel it in that memory. I feel it now!” I walked over to him, poking my finger hard into his chest now. He grabbed my hand, and brought it down to my side.

“I do care about you. I always have. And whatever you’re feeling isn’t what you think it is. You were one of my best friends. Nothing else.”

“Then why are you so upset, Gerard? There is obviously something else going on here. If it’s not you then who is it? Why can’t I remember my own fucking boyfriend?”

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