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Frank and I made our way back to his house. I kept flexing my fingers, enjoying the movement. I finally had my cast taken off. I did have to wear a brace, but I could at least move my fingers and wrist now. We had the windows down, the air swirling around the car and picking up my hair, making it dance around my face. I smiled as I pushed it out of my eyes and watched as the scenery sped by. I looked over at Frank who was finally fully awake and seemed to be enjoying the morning air as well. He had a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips and the smoke curled around him and out the window. He caught me staring out of the corner of his eyes and I saw a playful smirk creep up on his lips. I went to say something but was cut off by the sound of Frank’s phone ringing. He dug in his pockets and pulled out his phone, giving the screen a confused look. He pressed a button and put the phone to his ear.

“Hello?” There was a pause and I saw him straighten up in his seat a little. “Hey, what’s up?” His words seemed clipped now but he continued to drag off his cigarette and drive leisurely. “No… yeah… ok see you then.” He hung up his phone and tucked it back in his pocket. I gave him a questioning look but he didn’t say anything.

“Who was that?”


“On the phone. Who was that?”

“Oh, it was just Gerard.”

“Oh… you just looked concerned for a minute there.”

“Yeah, I was wondering why he was up so early.” He chuckled and after a moment I returned the smile and shrugged my shoulders.

“So what did he want?”

“He just wanted to … work on something.”

“Something like what?” I was curious and a bit concerned as to why he was being so vague.

“I can’t really talk about it.” He has stiffened up again. I can feel tension creeping into the car.

“Oh … why not?”

“Ummm … it’s a surprise. You’ll find out eventually. I can’t really say right now.”


We continued the drive back to his dad’s house as I sat and wondered what the surprise was. As we pulled into the driveway Frank put the car in park but didn’t cut the engine. I turned to look at him and he gave me a weak smile. I cocked my head to the side, a pout forming on my face.

“What’s wrong now?”

“Gerard wanted me to come over for a little while now to work on this surprise. Apparently it’s urgent, but you know Gerard. Always dramatic.” He sighed out then managed a smile. I gave him a small smile back. I was really hoping to spend the day with him, but then again, we practically live together. I always get to spend time with him. I could never get enough, though.

“What about your mom’s? Shouldn’t we pack and head over there soon? It’s Friday.” We were able to skip school today for my doctor’s appointment. He nodded as he stretched in his seat.

“Yeah. I pretty much know what I’m going to take. Just get your stuff ready and we can leave when I get back, ok?” he tilted his head toward me and pouted his lips out. I felt my lips pull up into a grin and I just replied with a nod. I leaned over and planted my lips gently on his. I went to pull away when I felt his hand snake up to the back of my head and grasp my hair firmly, deepening the kiss. I took in a sharp breath from surprise, but quickly found his rhythm. His hand lingered from the back of my head to the side of my face, his thumb rubbing just below my ear: my weak spot. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up from the sensitivity of his touch. He wouldn’t let me pull away from him; he only ended the kiss when he wanted to. He pulled away from me and I gasped for air. When I finally got my breath back, I found the words to speak.

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