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My weekend at Frank’s mom’s house went surprisingly well. Karen and I actually bonded over this past weekend. She showed me how she made her homemade sauces and spices and sent Frank home with some for his dad. I was still so shocked at the relationship Frank’s mom and dad managed to keep even though they were divorced. We said our goodbyes and she asked if I would be seeing her next weekend. She actually wanted to see me again! I felt a small sense of accomplishment at this.

Frank and I packed our stuff and began to make our way back to his dad’s house. On the way there I asked him if we could stop by his secret spot. He seemed to like this idea. As we pulled off on the side of the road in front of the woods, the sun was just dipping below the tree line, giving everything a burnt, warm look. We made our way through the rows of trees until it opened up into the little sandbar I had only seen one other time. When we got there, I couldn’t help myself as I slipped off my shoes and socks and made my way to the edge of the water. I stopped just along the water’s edge and let it splash up on my ankles. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, relishing in this moment. The peace and calm. I felt Frank’s presence behind me and, with eyes still closed, smiled as he soundlessly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. I lifted my hands and rested them on top of his. I opened my eyes and turned my head so I could see his face. He tilted his head so he was staring down at me and let a lazy smile creep up on his face as he leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to mine. It was quick and simple but it spoke volumes.

Frank and I had only been together for a short time but I feel closer to him and safer with him then I have ever felt with anyone. I thought back to how just a few weeks ago before the hazel eyed boy with the black and red hair stumbled into the classroom, I was trapped in a world with an abusive father, a mother who almost didn’t exist in the real world, and a ditzy, unreliable blonde who I clung to as my one “true” friend. Now, Frank had made me realize that there was so much more in life to look forward to. He was my only hope of escape from this world of torment that I had learned to accept. Along with finding someone who truly and honestly cared about me, I had gained four new friends as well. The thought of it all caused me to grin from ear to ear and start to chuckle. Frank raised an eyebrow at me. My laughter increased as I pulled away from him. He looked at me, a smile starting to break across his face just from watching me. At this point I was doubled over, holding my stomach from laughing so hard. I finally calmed myself down and looked up to see an amused, yet puzzled look on Frank’s face. I started to walk toward him again, my eyes hooded and sultry. He started to suck on his lip ring the closer I got. I was now standing toe to toe with him. I leaned forward as if I was going to press my lips to his waiting ones. Instead, I pressed my hands against his chest and gave him a shove so he stumbled and fell in the sand. I laughed and took a step back from him.

“Race me to the car!” I grabbed my shoes off the ground and took off running, leaving Frank in the sand with a raised eyebrow. I was sure that I had a giant lead on him, but soon heard breaking sticks and rustling leaves behind me. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see him run past me. He was laughing as he rushed past. I picked up the pace the best I could but by the time I made it out of the clearing, Frank was leaning against the car, his breathing ragged. I slumped over against the tree line, my hands resting on my knees.

“How … how did you …”

“You really thought you could beat me?” He asked his breathing already normal again. I took a few deep breaths before standing up straight. I pouted as I walked over to the car and opened the passenger door.

“Next time …” I mumbled under my breath as I climbed into the passenger seat and pulling my door shut. His door opened, and he slid into the seat, chuckling to himself. He had started the car, but we didn’t go anywhere right away. I looked over at him and he had that lopsided grin on his face. “What?”

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