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I woke up with Frank wrapped around me, his face buried in the crook of my neck, snoring slightly. I watched as his chest rose and fell rhythmically, his mouth barely parted. I smiled at him and yawned. It must still be pretty early. I couldn’t see any sunlight coming into the room just yet. I let my eyes flutter close when I heard a knock at his door. That must be what woke me up the first time. I shifted causing Frank to stir.

“Frank, you up?”

Frank grunted in response, pulling the blankets up around him.

“Frank, it’s Monday. You have school in an hour.” I heard Frank’s dad call from the other side of the door before his footsteps made their way down the hall. I bolted up in bed and threw the blankets off myself. Shit, I forgot all about school. I looked down to see that I was only wearing underwear and a t-shirt. I blushed as I got up from the bed, wanting to get dressed quickly. I started rifling through my bags we brought back from the house looking for my uniform. I found my khaki pants and began to pull them on. I heard the bed shift and turned around to see Frank was resting his head on his hand and watching me with a sleepy smile. I gave him a quick smile before continuing my search for a clean shirt. I talked over my shoulder as I looked.

“You going to get up? We have to leave soon.”

“Yeah, in a minute. I just like watching you …”

I didn’t turn to acknowledge him, but I smiled as I retrieved my shirt and a tank top from my bag. I stood up and turned around to face him, clothes in hand.

“Thanks but I don’t think I can concentrate with you gawking at me like that.”

“I can’t either…”

I raised my eyebrows at him in mock shock. He let out that adorable giggle of his and flopped back down on the bed.

“Well, hurry up before I wake up all the way and repeat yesterday.” He groaned and rolled so his back was to me. I felt my face flush and my skin started to ignite at the thought. Unfortunately, there was no time for that right now. I turned my back to him and pulled the shirt up over my head. My warm skin hit the cool air of his room and caused me to get goose bumps. I quickly pulled on my bra and clasped it followed by a black tank top. I went with a polo today and pulled it over my head and tucked it into my pants before buttoning them. I slid a studded belt into the belt loops and latched it. It technically wasn’t against dress code but the sisters didn’t like it. It’s the one thing I could wear that helped me keep some identity instead of fading into the cookie cutter image they had for the kids.

“There, you can look now.”

Frank rolled over and threw his legs over the bed and stretched one last time before rising to his feet. He casually walked over to me and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me to him.

“I liked you better in my shirt.” He kissed my forehead before making his way to his closet. I grinned like an idiot before going to grab my back pack and groaned. I realized I had left it in my dad’s truck along with my purse.

“Oh, fuck me!”

“Uh … I mean … I didn’t think we had time to --”

I gave him a knowing look. “No, not that. I left my bags in my dad’s truck. I don’t have my notebooks or anything.”

“Oh. Well, I can give you one of my notebooks for today. Did you take all of your books?”

“Just one.”

“Well that’s fine. Just tell them you forgot it at home. You should be ok.”

“I guess…” I figured I could make it work for today, but I still felt a headache coming on and pressed my thumb and forefinger to my temple. “I’m going to finish getting ready. I’ll see you in the living room?”

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