Headfirst For Halos

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Soon we were back in the garage behind Gerard’s house. Ray was already here and Bob was on his way. Surprisingly, Mikey was able to join us as well. I sat on the couch that they had moved and pushed up against the wall and watched as they set up a mini, make-shift stage. They made do with the space they had but it was still a decent set up. They were setting up speakers and microphones and tuning instruments. I felt myself studying them as they went about their business. Frank I already knew and Gerard I had gotten to know better throughout the day but there were still things I was noticing about him as I watched. He seemed fit enough but still had a little pudge on him. He didn’t seem very muscular but he was as strong as he needed to be. He had wispy black hair and lively hazel eyes. He didn’t have the rough exterior per say, but he did have an aura about him that gave off a sense that he had been through some tough shit and was still able to carry on. I was drawn to him and how he just radiated good vibes.

Mikey was a little taller than Gerard even though he was the younger brother. He had thin, brown hair that fell across his matching brown eyes. Though they were brothers, I almost couldn’t see any resemblance between the two of them. Mikey was lanky and seemed very shy and kept to himself. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him yet. Well, not technically. I do remember meeting him at the party that night and him pointing me in the direction of Gerard. Other than that, I wasn’t really acquainted with him, but he seemed sweet to me. I think I just might get along with him if he’ll give me a chance.

Ray and I had one encounter the first time I had been here at the garage and when we went to get coffee later that day. He wasn’t much of a talker, but I was shocked when he did. His voice was slightly higher than I was anticipating. He had just about the same build as Gerard, not skinny, but still a pretty solid build. Gerard and Ray were actually around the same age. Anyway, his poufy brownish red hair was his signature to me. If it wasn’t so creepy, I would gladly like to feel his hair sometime.

Then there was Bob who I practically knew nothing about. I couldn’t remember exactly but I might have met him at the party that night. As if on cue, I heard Mikey pipe up from behind one of the speakers.

“It’s about time you showed up.”

“Shut the fuck up, Mike. I made it, didn’t I?”

I turned to see a rather burly guy walk into the garage, blowing out a puff of smoke as he flicked the last of his cigarette out into the yard. He had short blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He had a decent beard going. He actually looked to me to be the only one who could rock some decent facial hair. He voice was deep and slightly menacing, but I feel like under his rough exterior was a giant teddy bear. He was all bark and no bite to me.

“Well, you’re just in time. We’re just about done setting up.” Frank said as he chucked a drum stick at Bob who grabbed it right before it whacked him in the leg. He wagged the drum stick at Frank.

“Thanks, ass.”

I smirked. I knew Bob meant it jokingly and it made me chuckle. Frank must have heard me and turned in my direction. He stood up and placed his guitar on its stand before walking over and plopping down on the couch next to me. He threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. Just watching you guys.” I felt myself automatically lean into him. Frank leaned over and nuzzled his face into my hair, taking a deep breath, before kissing the side of my head and pulling away.

“Well I hope you’re prepared for this. Shit might get a little crazy.”

“Yeah. If you haven’t seen Frankie on the guitar yet, then you’re in for a treat.” Gerard piped up from the other side of the room. He was leaning against the microphone and staring at Frank and me on the couch. I looked up at Frank with a smirk on my face. I felt my insides flip in excitement. Just seeing him with a guitar in his hands was exciting. I couldn’t wait to see him in action. He gave me a lopsided smile and shrugged his shoulders.

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