Chapter 2- Good Bye Hell

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Edited (April 9, 2014)

 Emerald's POV

As I recall, a normal human being my age - which is starting to grow stupid hormones that makes you do senseless things such as crying over something minor and over react all the time- would be screaming and jumping around like a crazy lunatic on the loose when asked by a celebrity if they want to be adopted by them. Anyone I know but me.

How would I possibly know that the ‘world’s sweetest angels’ are not just using me for some charity case event that they would use for their own publicity and  when they had enough of me, they're just going to drop me like a fly out here again in a month’s time?

But on the definite brighter side, I get one month vacation away from this rotten, horrid and nasty place. I would love to relax on the beach, even just for a day. Although, as much as this might sound absurd, there is a slight possible chance that they are just genuinely nice and that they want to make a person's life better. In this case, mine.

"Is it a yes or a no, Emerald?" Harry asks, interrupting my train of battled thoughts. I take a long look around the table to see hopeful faces, or so it seems. I am no expert in actors and how they would look like when they act. But by the looks of it, they would really want to adopt me judging by their pleading faces. That or they are just Oscar nominated actors.  

"Are you guys going to use me?" I finally question them to end the greatest mystery I’ve seen. They are very lucky actually considering the fact that Maya took weeks for her to get a peep out of me. I would gladly zip my mouth quiet today but unfortunately, I have a feeling if I don’t talk, I wouldn’t have an even chance to get out this prison.

"What do you mean, love?" Liam gives me the soft tone of voice. I sigh, clearly annoyed that they don’t understand what I am saying. I haven’t elaborated it enough to be fair but they should be seeing this coming.

"Are you just using me for fame?"

"No! We're not Ems, trust us" That was definitely Louis and a smile creeps up my face once again when I hear my new found nickname being used. Ems, it has a nice ring into it.

Taking that they want an explanation for my question, I start to babble my mouth with an experience not long ago, maybe five or so months ago. "I saw a girl once. She was adopted by this band. Then one month later, they gave her back." I tell them, lips pressed in a thin line and my eyes boring into them giving them a dull look.

"Well we're not your ordinary boy band Emerald. We would never do that to you." Clearly, Niall knew how to answer as I smile, for a bit.

Once again, a conflict starts inside me. A more fun and enjoyable side of me is constantly fighting that I should at least give their offer a shot while the other much darker side, my more sensible side I presume, wants to back off before it’s too late. It’s scared. Scared to get hit once more, scared to be treated like garbage, scared to feel below worthless.    

"You could trust us we promise. We never break promises Emerald, especially to girls like you." Zayn speaks up, his angel like voice comforting me.

"You won't hurt me?" I didn’t intend to question them something that could possibly give out my past life, but it just slipped. They give me confuse reactions in return which I returned with an awkward smile, knowing well that I couldn’t reverse time as much as I want to. "Why would we hurt such a beautiful girl like you?" Louis compliments but asks me in all seriousness. I touch a stretched vertical scar on my right leg, one of my ‘battle scars’ as Maya puts it.

I shake my head three times and smile in an attempt to remove myself and them from the rising topic. "Nothing" I add.

"Listen to me, Emerald” Liam says as he takes my hand to his in a swift motion that even I didn’t have time to pull it out of place. But I did have the strength to take it out of his soft grip and gently settle it on my lap. He looks hurt but he should know better than to take my hand casually.

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