Chapter 21- A love you see once in a lifetime

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Emerald’s POV

“We never loved you.”

“We just adopted you for publicity!”

“Why would we love you? You’re just a selfish brat and what your parents did was right. You deserve every bruise and scar in your body. You deserve to rot in hell.”

“No! Don’t say that!” I screamed making them scowl at me more. I turned to Niall with pleading eyes.

“Niall…” I whimpered.

“Get out Emerald. We don’t want you here anymore.” He stared down at me with so much hate.

“You left us Emerald. For two months we searched. We searched everywhere!” Niall screamed causing me to flinch.

“But I’m your princess.” I whispered. “Niall can I have a new poster?” A voice from inside the house said. I wiped away my tears and stared inside.

“Who’s that?” I asked. “Our new princess.” Harry smirked.

“But you guys promised I’m your only princess.” I whispered. “She’s better. She’s not shy, she’s not anything like you! She actually has friends too!” Louis said.

“I-I do have friends.” I tried to stop myself from hiccupping. I looked at them with hopeful eyes but they just laughed at me. “Friends? You’re a loser! No wonder why that Dylan kid cheated on you!” Liam laughed.

“Stop it!” I cried.

“I have one last thing to say to you, wake up.”


“Wake up dearie.” Someone shook me. The boys disappeared, the whole house disappeared and I was left in the dark with someone shaking me.

A dream?

Thank goodness it’s just a dream.

Too realistic though…

I opened my eyes, yawning slightly. In front of me is an old man with a worried look on his face. “Are you okay darling? Why are you sleeping on the bench alone?” He asked.

I looked around me and he was right. I was sleeping on a bench with my thin blanket around me. I was in a park and it was a good thing the man woke me, because people are starting to file in the park.

“I ran away.” I answered truthfully. “Now why would you do that doll?” He asked me.

“Things are very complicated at home.” I sighed. “Do you want to go back home? I have a phone you could borrow.” He offered.

“No thank you, I don’t really want to go home.” I said. “Why not? Your parents must be really worried about you right now and I bet you’re hungry.” He chuckled. My stomach growled on cue causing me to blush slightly.

“Come here kiddo, I have freshly made bread in my house.” He offered. He’s a stranger! Did he really expect me to come with him?

I think he saw my expression because he laughed. “I am not going to kidnap you. I’m an old man and I have no intention of going to jail.” He said.

I am hungry…

Maybe just for breakfast?


“Now tell me again why you ran away from your family Emerald dear?” Turns out, he has a lovely wife called Annie.

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