Chapter 11- Cute puppies

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Emerald’s POV

I thought my life is perfect for once…

I thought it was all over…

I thought I was finally free…

Those three thoughts have been swimming around my life for the past couple of hours. No one bothered to knock on my door and ask if I was okay or if I was even hungry!

Am I that worthless and pathetic?

Not even Louis came to my rescue. Natalie truly did brain wash everyone. I could hear them downstairs comforting that devil while I’m here crying my eyes out.

Shouldn’t they be fair and ask for my side of the story? I’m sure she’s feeding them lies right now.

I texted Hailey a minute ago if I could crash at her place for the night. I know it’s a school day tomorrow so I just have to pack everything I need. Hailey said that Mia and she were having a sleep over anyways so it’s fine.

I got up and packed my things into a backpack large enough to fit my uniform, my pajamas, my toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, phone and phone charger. I took a plastic and shoved my school shoes in it. I grabbed my other backpack for school, checking if I missed anything else. I don’t have a sleeping bag but I’m sure Hailey has one.

I wrote a note saying I was over at Hailey’s house and to not bother to call me. I placed the note on my bed and opened my balcony. I managed to tie my sheets so it acts like a rope or something.

It felt so dangerous and wrong but I have to do it to end my misery. I can’t stand being in the same place as the woman who is practically destroying my life.

“Bye.” I mumbled before I grabbed a hold of the sheet and started climbing down. I let my things fall down to the ground so I didn’t have a struggle to climb down.

I reached the ground safe and sound. It’s a good thing there’s no window in the part of the house or else I’m screwed.

I got my things and started to speed walk towards Hailey’s house.

I still have puffy eyes and a blotchy nose when I got there. Hailey introduced me to her mom and she took me in gladly. She’s a very sweet woman. Hailey’s lucky.

“Care to tell us what happened?” Mia said. They know I was crying and that something was wrong.

I told them everything that happened, not leaving any single detail to them.

“That devil.” Mia murmured. They embraced me into a tight hug making me cry even more. They’re just so sweet and caring!

“Go change, I’ll tell mom to bring you some food to eat.” Hailey said. I nodded and went to her bathroom. I quickly changed and brushed my hair a little. I’m going to brush later.

I went out of the bathroom to be greeted by a dog. I squealed and bent down to pet it. I’ve always wanted a dog! It was just a little puppy which is a bonus in the cuteness level.

“What?! He likes her but not me?! My own dog likes her but not me?!” I heard Hailey say. I laughed and carried the dog.

“What’s his name?” I tickled his belly causing him to squirm.

“Alexander but we call him Alex for short.” Hailey said. “You’re great with animals!” Mia said. “Yeah, I’ve always wanted one.” I sighed.

“Do you want him?” Hailey asked. I stared at her shocked. “Of course I want a dog but this is your dog, I can’t have him!” I exclaimed.

“We have four more actually. Alex and his brother are up for adoption because we can’t take care of them all.” Hailey said.

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