Chapter 23- The End And A New Beginning

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Hey everybody! Can I ask you guys a big favor? After you read this chapter, can you all think of a suitable title for the sequel? You will receive a follow and I’ll check your books out (if you write) if I pick you! Thank you! (Follow my twitter @louisguccibag and tweet #Emerald and mention me okay? I just want to know how many people would do this! Oh and while you’re at it, also tweet me your ideas for the title! Thanks! (I follow back by the way, since I only have like 300 followers….I don’t really use twitter that much)

Niall’s POV

“Emerald Tomlinson have bee-“

“One Direction’s adopt-“

“-issing for-“

I groaned and switched the television off. Everyone knows about Emerald going missing and everybody has mix emotions for this.

Some told us that we’re irresponsible and this is why One Direction shouldn’t be trusted with such a responsibility. That kinda pissed me off a little. Just because we act silly on stage, doesn’t mean we aren’t serious and can’t handle responsibility!

But some people have been helping us find her. Our fans have trended ‘#WhereareyouEmerald #TheboysmissyouEmerald #WemissEmerald’ worldwide and it still is trending. I honestly love our fans but this won’t even top my feelings about Emerald being missing.

I took out the last thing that Emerald left me which is the letter she gave me.

I re-read it and smiled sadly before folding it again and stuffing it in my pocket.

“Hey ready to go?” Louis asked, putting on his left sneaker. I nodded before getting up from the couch. Management gave us a day off and we decided to spend it trying to find Emerald. The girls stayed behind because there might be a chance that Emerald would return here and what would happen if she finds out that no one is at home?

Louis led the way to his car. I got in the passenger’s seat. I buckled my seatbelt and waited for Louis to reverse from the driveway. The other boys already went ahead of us, I had to wait for Louis to get change and everyone knows how Louis is really slow when it comes to getting ready.

Louis drove slowly while I looked around in hope that I would spot that brown haired girl. Once in a while, I would see fans holding out signs such as ‘Have you seen Emerald’ with her picture and some would hand out flyers.

I smiled and decided to take a picture of them so I could post it somewhere later. Our fans are perfect I swear. (A/N Sounds like I’m complimenting you guys and myself XD)

I would perk up whenever I see someone who looked like Emerald but whenever we pass them, it’s not her.

We drove around for ten more minutes before I told Louis to stop.

“Why?” He said as he parked the car on a vacant spot. “Why don’t I try walking and you drive around? Meet me here at 5.” I said. Louis agreed and I gave him a brotherly hug before getting out of the car. I got my sunglasses out and put my hoodie up.

Now let’s find my princess.


“Thank you!” I paid the lady who sells lemonade and went on my way. I ended up on this neighborhood but I don’t care. I walked around more until I brightened up when I saw a girl about Emerald’s height walking alongside a lady.

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