Chapter 14- Swings and Harry

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Dedication to @idreamed_adream because she is awesome! She’s actually spamming me so the comments will reach their target XD

Emerald’s POV

“I’m bored.” Louis whined. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off my bed. Eleanor laughed and high fived me.

Yay! Team Emouner!

“What was that for?” Louis pouted. “For being annoying.” I stuck my tongue out, which was hard because I was giggling so it looked like I was a dog.

“Can we please take Alex for a walk?” Eleanor pleaded. She was love struck I swear.

“If both Alex and Louis are dangling off a building, who will you save?” I asked randomly. “Alex duh.” Eleanor answered. Louis gasped and put on a hurt face.

“I’m joking babe.” Eleanor giggled. “So you’ll let Alex die and save him?” It was now my turn to gasp.

“No silly. I’ll save them both because I’m awesome.” Eleanor said simply. I giggled and went over to my drawer and got Alex’s leash out.

“Let’s take him for a walk.” I said. Eleanor squealed while Louis laughed at his girlfriend. They are perfect for each other and your argument is invalid.

I hooked Alex’s leash to his collar and went to get a few treats for him. I’m planning to train him more.

I let Eleanor hold the leash since she was begging me. “Care for a piggy back ride?” Louis offered. I nodded and he crunched down so I could go to his back.

“Onward my trusty stead!” I tried to sound serious and not giggle but failed miserably. Me, Eleanor and Louis all laughed the way down, receiving a few stares from the others.

“What?” Louis said. They didn’t answer so I just shrugged and giggled. “Go Louis!” I laughed. He opened the door and let Eleanor and Alex out first before us.

I gave the others a glance and saw them all looking at us with jealousy.

It’s their fault for not believing me.

Natalie’s POV

What the actual fuck?! I thought everyone hates her?! Why are stupid Eleanor and dumb Louis with that slut?! I thought I already made it clear that the little bitch is a good for nothing slut who needs to be thrown back to that orphanage!

Harry’s POV

I can’t believe it.

Did we all just hallucinate or was that real?

Did Eleanor and Louis get Emerald’s forgiveness?

I’ not going to lie, I am very jealous that Louis got to hug Emerald again. I wonder what they did to get Emerald to forgive them.

She looked really happy and like her old self before this whole drama thing.

“Lucky Lou.” I heard Niall mumble.

I looked over at Natalie and saw her glaring at the carpet. I furrowed my eyebrows and studied her closely.

Could Emerald be right all along?

Emerald’s POV

“No! Stand! I said stand not sit!” Louis said frustrated. I laughed and pushed higher on the swing. Eleanor was swinging beside me and she was also looking at Louis amusingly.

Louis tried to make Alex do tricks but it turns out that Alex only responds to me.

Good little dog.

“Stand Alex.” I said. He did as I told and I clapped. I forgot I was on a swing so I fell. It all happened so fast that I didn’t even have time to scream.

I groaned and stood up but fell back down.

“Ems!” Louis screamed. He left Alex and came running to me. I looked at my knee which had blood oozing out of it. I looked at Louis who had this funny panicked face. I laughed and tried to wipe the blood but it just came oozing back.

“Here, tie this over it.” Eleanor said giving me something.  It was a handkerchief. I thanked her and she helped me put it on. Louis was just standing and muttering swear words under his breath. Bad Louis!

“Let’s go home.” He sighed. I nodded and stood up but I quickly went back down. I laughed and motioned for Louis to come pick me up.

“But you’re heavy.” He said. I glared at him and he just pinched my uninjured cheek. He picked me up bridal style and started to head towards home with Eleanor and Alex behind us.


“Just go in quietly.” I whispered. I know that they boys, Danielle and Perrie will freak out when they see my condition.

He nodded and opened the door slowly. It made a loud creak sound causing me to sigh. So much for sneaking in.

“Louis? Can I ta-what happened?” Harry’s eyes were as wide as saucers when he was me. The handkerchief was stained red in some parts.

“She fell.” Eleanor said. “Oh um, can I please talk to you three?” He pleaded. “Why?” I tried as hard as I can not to glare at him.

“Please.” He said sincerely. “Is that okay Ems?” Louis asked. I sighed but nodded. We made our way to my bedroom quietly. Louis placed me on my bed before turning to Harry. Eleanor was petting Alex beside me.

“I’m sorry.” Harry began. My gaze turned to him.

“Sorry?” Louis said confused. “Please Emerald. Please forgive me. I figured out everything. It took me every ounce of my blood to not kill Natalie.” Harry pleaded.

“Wait? How did you figure it all out?” Eleanor said. “When you three went to take Alex for a walk I presume, I looked at everyone’s faces. They were all covered with sadness and jealousy except for Natalie. She was glaring at random things. Isn’t she supposed to feel guilty and stuff? So yeah, it started from there and I worked everything out.” Harry explained.

“Come here Harry.” I said. He slowly made his way towards me. Once he was in front of me, I slung my arms around him and held him really tight.

“I missed you Harry.” I whispered.

“Yay! We have four people in team awesome!” Louis cheered. “Don’t forget about Alex!” I laughed as I untied myself from Harry. “Fine. Four people and a cute dog. Happy?” Louis said.

“Much.” I grinned.

“He is honestly that cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” Harry said. Louis gasped and placed a hand over where his heart is supposed to be.

“I thought I was the cutest?!” Louis said. Eleanor raised an eyebrow and watched Louis. “Sorry Lou, but I’m replacing you.” Harry said acting along. “But I thought we had something going on!” Louis said.

“Your girlfriend is here Louis.” I said. Louis laughed and went over to El and pecked her cheek.

“Get married please!”

Author’s Note

Be thankful people! I wasn’t really planning on Harry to make up with Emerald but since I’m nice I did. Don’t worry, each of the boys and girls will eventually :)


Stay pretty my pretties! Unless you’re a dude! Then stay handsome!




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