Bonus Chapter

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Hey guys! First off…….I feel weird going back to this story…IT FEELS GREAT THOUGH! So I want to make a very very very very very very very very very late Halloween chapter for you guys ;)

So Day (Day is my name in wattpad so call me Day if you ever want to talk to me or something) why did you suddenly want to make this chapter? Well because a…..friend of mine wanted me to. Yeah, you know who you are.


So if anyone actually saved this book to their library, then you are in for a spooky treat ;) or at least I think it’s spooky……..


Emerald’s POV

I woke up screaming from the horrible dream. Clutching the blanket around me tighter, I took in my surroundings and sighed in relief as I saw my familiar bedroom instead of the one in my dream.  I looked at the clock and groaned as I saw the numbers 3:00.

What was weird is that it was a one of a kind dream. I have never dreamt of something like this and it scares me. It was a new feeling to me, a feeling I badly want to get rid of. Rising up from my bed, I took shaky steps to the door until suddenly I heard a creaky sound causing me to run and open the door as fast as I could.

Normally, I would have stayed inside my room and be smart and think of logical ways of how that creaky sound was made, but my brain was telling me to run and because I was still shocked by the horrible dream I just had, I obeyed.

I found myself knocking rapidly on Niall’s door. I was so close to crying and wanting to scream out loud but I can’t because I know everyone in the house wouldn’t be pleased to be awoken at three in the morning. It was very dark outside and you could barely see through the dark. The only light source I had was off the little bulb right at the center of the hallway. It gave little light so it was pretty much useless but it still gives me slight comfort to see a bit of light.

When no one answered at Niall’s door, I sighed and tried Louis’. Niall was never a heavy sleeper so it got me thinking of why he never opened the door. I know for a fact that he’s not mad at me so why didn’t he answer?

When the same result came out at Louis’ door, I tried all the other doors but they were all the same. Shut and quiet. Not even a snore came out of them.

This got me worried so I tried opening each one but it wouldn’t budge. They wouldn’t normally lock their doors too. I was now breathing heavily, I felt my legs go jelly and my arms were shaking so much. The wind blew hard so I wrapped my thin arms around me.

I shut my eyes closed but opened the wide and shock as I realized something.

The window was never open…

I quickly looked at the window to see it locked shut. I gulped and rubbed my hands together. There was a sudden temperature drop.

“This isn’t funny anymore!” I tried to laugh but I can’t as if something was preventing me. I know for a fact that it’s fear. I know the boys are just hiding and they would soon get tired of scaring me and they will eventually come out and give me a great group hug saying sorry for scaring me.

I mean, that’s the only reasonable reason right?

I gasped as I hurriedly went inside my bedroom again and searched high and low for Alex. He wasn’t in his usual sleeping place…

Where is he?

I went back to the hall and was about to shout that I was getting tired of the jokes when I saw that each door was wide open. For some reason, I didn’t dare move. It’s as if my feet are stuck on the floor.

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