4 | Mos Eisley Cantina

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Mara sped through the outskirts of Tatooine, inching closer to the small place of Mos Eisley.

Apprehension rushed through Luke as the speeder pulled up to two storm troopers.

"Identification." The one demanded, his blaster just in his hands; allowing him to shoot him whenever, Luke thought.

As Luke looked at Ben, Mara smirked as he lifted his hand slightly.

"You don't need to see his identification."

"I don't need to see his identification." The trooper said, hypnotized-like.

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

"These aren't the droids we're looking for."

Mara snorted as Ben continued.

"Move along."

The trooper pushed his blaster off to the side as it hung from his belt. "Move along, move along."

Luke looked at Ben. "How did you do that?"
"The force works in many ways, Luke."


Mara hid her blaster in the side belt loop as she dropped the ends of her jacket to cover it. Once they walked towards the Cantina, soft music from the Cantina Band filled the three's ears.

"We're in desperate need of a ship." Ben said to the two.

As they sat at the bar, Luke took a drink of whatever it was that the bartender slid to him.

"I've never been to Mos Eisley before." Mara said, swallowing her drink. "You?"
"Not that I remember." Luke shrugged.

Creatures around them watched them, understanding that they weren't the same creatures like them. They felt the need to stare; to see if they were trustable.

Luke looked up as a man placed his large hand on his arm. "My friend doesn't like you."
"Sorry." Luke huffed, looking away.

Mara shot up from her seat when he gripped his arm harder. "I don't like you.. You just watch yourself, we're wanted men."
"I'll try not to get in the way."
"You'll be dead!"

The gruff man shoved Luke away, causing him to fall to the floor as he ran into others.

Mara quickly retrieved her blaster, but it was too late as Ben sliced the man's arm off with his lightsaber.

The Cantina grew silent as everyone stared, until it went back to the way it was, allowing the band to continue.

Mara helped Luke up, brushing off the back of his clothes. "Are you alright?"
"I think so."
Mara turned to Ben. "Maybe this was a mistake."

Ben shook his head, stepping aside to reveal a tall, brown Wookiee. "This is Chewbacca, a co-pilot of a man, who's willing to make an agreement."

The two teenagers followed Ben and Chewbacca as they slid into a booth; where a scruffy man sat nonchalantly.

"Han Solo, I'm Captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you're lookin' for passage to the Alderaan System."
"Yes, indeed... If it's a fast ship."

Han Solo glared at Ben in disbelief. "You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?"
Ben cocked a brow. "Should I have?"
"It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs." Mara suddenly spoke.
Han looked at her. "What the girl said."

"What's the cargo?" He asked.
"Just me, the boy and the girl. Along with two droids, and no questions asked."
Han Solo chuckled, a grin plastered on his handsome features. "Some kind of local trouble?"

Mara and Luke looked at each other as they waited for Ben to answer.
"Lets just say we'd like to avoid any Imperial entanglements."

Han looked at Chewbacca who moaned quietly. "Ten thousand in advance."
"We can pay two thousand now, and fifteen when we reach Alderaan." Ben argued, hoping to persuade the Smuggler's mind.
"Alright, fine. Meet us on Docking Bay 94."

Mara looked to the side as two storm troopers spoke to the bartender. "We need to head there. Now."
Luke stood to his feet along with Ben and Mara, quickly leaving the Cantina.


Han Solo waited on the ramp of the Millennium Falcon, glancing over at Chewie who roared once Mara, Luke and Ben arrived.

"This is a piece of junk!" Luke complained.

Han didn't say anything as he turned to walk into the ship. "Let's get going, I'm not getting any younger."

As they began to walk towards the ship, each of them ducked as a blaster bounced off of the Falcon, causing Mara to lift her Blaster. She quickly shot at the growing group of storm troopers, but Luke grabbed her hand, yanking her into the one and only Millennium Falcon.

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