24 | Pit of Carkoon

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Luke was held restrained in the Palace in front of Jabba's throne as Mara sat up straight. She didn't care at this point if Jabba choked her to death; she was just glad that Luke was alive, in front of her.

Leia sat up too as Han walked in, chained wrists behind his back. "Han?"
"Luke!" Han yelled.
"Are you alright?" Luke asked the Smuggler.
"I'm fine. Together again, huh?"
"I wouldn't miss it." Luke muttered.
"How are we doing?"
"The same as always." Luke answered.
Han scoffed. "That bad, huh? Where's Leia? Mara?"

"Right here." The two slaves answered.
Luke looked near the two, his eyes on Mara.

C-3PO muttered to himself. "Oh dear.. Jabba the Hutt has decreed that you all are to be terminated immediately."
"I hate long waits." Han said in a mocking tone.

"You will, therefore, be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the Pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all powerful Sarlacc." C-3PO said, continuing to translate Huttese.

"That doesn't sound so bad." Han said, in a snarky tone.
"In its belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years."

Luke glanced at Han.


Mara straightened her posture as she tried to see outside of the window of Jabba's hovership. She watched as Han, Luke, and Chewbacca were escorted on an opposite hover, over towards the Sarlaac.

"You slimy muck!" Mara shouted, causing Jabba to yank at her chain. She fell onto the throne, her back against his side. She swallowed the forming puke as his tail trailed against her thigh.

The guards pushed him towards the end of the board, and Mara caught herself smiling as Luke jumped, grabbed ahold of the board, and flipped through the air. From the upper level, R2 fired his lightsaber, and caught it with his hand.

As he quickly took out the creatures and guards, he undid Han and Chewbacca's cuffs.

Lando fought off a creature, only to be blasted at nearly. He screamed aloud as he went over, clinging to a thin rope before the Sarlacc ate him.

Boba Fett used his jet pack and landed onto the hover as he aimed at Luke. He swung his saber through the blaster rifle, only to be twisted in a thin wired grapple.

As Luke escaped from the grapple, he jumped to the other hover as it neared theres.
Boba stood up, and aimed his geared blaster towards Luke. Han turned around to help Lando with a large metal pole, only to inject it through his jet pack.

Boba screamed as he twisted through the air,
And dropped into the sand. He rolled downward, and into the Sarlacc slowly.

Leia quickly looked at Mara, and they nodded before she slammed a tool into the power box. Creatures screamed as the room grew dark, and the two hurried behind Jabba.

Quickly throwing their chains around the neck of Jabba, they pulled as tight as they could. Jabba choked out as he tried to grab the chains with his short arms, but was defeated.

"Lando, Lando!" Han yelled as he leaned over the hover. He held down a sturdy object for him to grab.
As a turret shot at the hover, it leaned forward, causing Han to fall forward, and Chewie grabbed his legs with a concerned roar.

Luke jumped towards the opening shingles, and pulled out a creature as it tried to blast him. As it fell into the Sarlacc, he climbed onto the high level of the ship.

He took out the turret blaster, and the standing by creatures.

Lando screamed as the Sarlacc wrapped a long tentacle like arm around his leg, and Han's eyes widened.
Han aimed his blaster at the Sarlacc's grip, shooting it. It screeched as it let go, and Lando looked up at Han. "Chewie, pull us up!" Han yelled.

R2D2 zapped Mara and Leia's shackles off of them and Leia looked at the droid. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

They ran towards the deck, and Luke looked at them. "Get the gun! Point it at the deck!"

Leia ran up the stair and onto the gun, moving it to point at the deck.

Luke yelled as a blaster shot his prosthetic hand, and he quickly sliced the creature in half.

Luke grabbed a rope, and Mara ran towards him. As he wrapped his arm around her waist,
She wrapped hers around his neck. He looked towards Leia. "Come on!"

She wrapped hers around his on the opposite side, and Luke pulled back before swinging forward.

As they landed with the others, Luke looked at Lando. "Lets go, and don't forget the droids."

Quickly picking up the droids in the sand, they quickly sped away as the ship left behind exploded.

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