15 | Wreck on Dagobah

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Mara leaned back calmly as Luke set the Fighter in Auto-Fly to rest for a while.

"We should be to Dagobah in a few minutes." He said as he looked over at Mara.

Her eyes met his. "Why are we going to Dagobah?"
Luke pressed his lips together in a firm line. "Ben spoke to me through the Force."
Mara blinked at Luke's answer.
"And he wants me to go to Dagobah to be trained by an old Jedi Master, by the name of Yoda."

They jolted as the Fighter flew into a meteor, causing the ship to jump out of Auto-Fly, now speeding towards the upcoming planet.

"It's too late!" Luke shouted over the alarms. Mara leaned back as much as she could in her seat as they flew downward, into a fog.

The next thing they knew, the Fighter wrecked into a large pit of fogged water. Mara gasped as the air was knocked out of her, looking at Luke.

Luke climbed out of the Fighter, onto the swampy ground.
"My way is jammed." Mara said, trying to get out of her side of the Fighter.
Luke climbed back in, and grabbed her waist before pulling her out. She dropped onto her feet with a huff, pushing her hair out of her face.

Luke dusted off his suit as he looked back at R2 who was beginning to try to climb out of the side wing. "I guess we're stuck here for a while."
As R2 tried to get off of the wing, he slipped and fell into the water with a loud scream. Luke and Mara both ran towards the edge of the water, not able to see anything due to a thin layer of fog that hovered over the water.

"Artoo?! ARTOO?!" Luke yelled.
Just in time, a metal pole-like object shot up, and the familiar beeps were heard. Mara sighed of relief, and Luke smiled faintly at the droid.
"Be more careful." He told the droid.

Mara's heart raced as a black fin surfaced, ducking back under the water as it neared R2.
"Get out of there!" Mara yelled.
By the time R2 could beep, the swimming creature had taken him under again.
"R2!" They yelled.

They stepped back as R2 flew threw the air, screaming as the creature swam away. He landed into a thing of vines and dirt, a startled beeping following.

"At least you weren't eaten." Mara said as Luke wiped off his metal interior.


Mara sat on top of the box that carried backup tools, trying to cool down. Her skin was covered in sweat as she shrugged off Luke's jacket, the air hitting her arms.

Luke helped R2 with his power charger as they ate a small packed meal.
"I'm beginning to agree with you, R2." Luke said to the droid. "This place gives me the creeps."
Mara looked at Luke as he stood to his feet.

"I feel like..."

Mara jumped up in shock as Luke drew his blaster, pointing it at a creature that sat on the branch.
"Like we're being watched."
"Away put your weapon, I mean you know harm!" He shouted, lowering his hand.
"I am wondering, why are you here?"

Mara swallowed as Luke lowered the blaster. "I'm looking for someone."
"Found someone you have, I would say." He said, along with a laugh.
Luke looked at Mara before looking back at the green creature.

"Help you I can, yes. Hmm?"
"I don't think so." Luke said as he placed the blaster back into his belt.
The creature cocked a brow as he stared at the two.
"I'm looking for a great warrior." Luke told him.

The creature continued to mutter different words as he stepped down from the branch, and rummaged through Luke and Mara's things.
"Hey!" Luke shouted as the creature bit into a small roll.
As he chewed the food, he spit it out suddenly with a huff. "How do you get so big, eating food of this kind?"
"Get out of there!" Luke complained as the creature dig into the metal box. R2 beeped several times, causing Mara to hit him on the top of his interior. "Quiet, R2."

"I have a lot of work to do." Luke said.
"No, no! Stay, help you I will." The creature said to him.
"Find your friend, hmm?"
"I'm not looking for a friend, I'm looking for a Jedi Master." He explained.

Mara stared at the creature as he hummed.
"Ooh, Jedi Master. Yoda, you seek Yoda."
Luke leaned down to his height. "You know him?"
He hummed. "Take you to him, I will."
He continued to laugh as Luke turned to Mara.
"He'll take us to Yoda." He said to her.

She turned to R2. "Stay here and watch the camp, Artoo."

Just to clarify since some of my readers complain about this all the time. When someone is talking to R2-D2, it's spelled out as Artoo; which is spelled out for R2. It is spelled Artoo in the books, so hopefully everyone will understand, thanks!


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