10 | Red Five

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Pilot's scattered throughout the building as they reached their Fighters. Luke searched for Mara, only to see Han and Chewie.

"You're leaving?" Luke asked in disappointment, watching Han load boxes onto the beam.
"Yep." He said.
"So you're taking your award and you're leaving, just like that?"
"There's nothing here for me, Kid." He said.
"Oh come on! They could use you!"
"I'd rather not get involved with anything." He said in a deep voice.

Anger boiled through Luke. "Fine. Take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what you're best at."

As he began to walk away, Han sighed.
Luke turned to Han, seeing him smile faintly.
"May the Force be with you."
Luke didn't say anything as he turned around, and continued to search for Mara.

Mara stood along side of Princess Leia as they watched the map in front of them.
Nerves flooded Mara as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I have a bad feeling about this."
"They can do this, I can feel it." Leia said to Mara.
"That doesn't mean someone won't get hurt.. Or killed." She said, swallowing the irritation away in her throat.

Mara felt a hand press to the small of her back, and she turned her head to the side slightly, seeing Luke.
She turned around completely, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I was worried you had left already."
"I wouldn't leave without seeing you first."

Mara smiled as she let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear that."
As she pulled away, she adjusted his orange Pilot suit. "Go on, Red Five."
Luke smiled as he placed his hands on her waist. "I'll be back, I promise."

Mara felt heat rushing to her face as Luke kissed her cheek, quickly jogging and off towards the waiting Fighters.


The galaxy seemed bigger to Luke as he flew through it, following the other Fighters. R2D2 sat in the side wing, beeping.

"Red Five, standing by." Luke announced into the communication set.

"Death Star is right ahead, boys. Go!"

Luke pulled back the accelerating levers of the Fighter, speeding up towards the Death Star.

"We've got company!" Red three yelled.

TIE Fighters began to fly towards the team, firing. It was then when a Fight exploded into dust, causing Luke to fire at the TIE's.

"Red Five, go around!" Red nine yelled.

Luke circled the Death Star, avoiding shots from the TIE Fighters that ended up following him around. He quickly fired at the first one in his view, watching the engines burst, and it wrecked into the Death Stars wall.

As Luke fired at the Star before him, be watched as it circuited through the first level, the walls beginning to crumble.

"I'm hit -AHH!" One yelled, a loud disturbance bursting through the communication set.

Luke's hands trembled as he struggled to control his nerves.


Darth Vader watched as the Fighters all fired at each other, the TIE Fighters getting destroyed.
Under the mask, his face turned to an angry expression. "Call in a Fighter, I'll deal with them myself."

Darth Vader quickly flew through the firing Fighters as he dove downward, into the alleyways. As they followed, Vader reversed in a flip, firing as one landed in front of him.

"AHH!" A scream broke through the communication set as Red six's Fighter exploded. Vader was quite satisfied with himself as he continued on to the last few Fighters.

"The Force is strong with this one."

Luke flew through the alleyways as his heart raced inside of his chest. Four fighters left, he thought. And we'd lose.


Luke's eyes widened. "Ben?"

"The Force will be with you. Always."

Luke inhaled a breath as the same TIE Fighter that followed him through the alleyways caught speed to get closer to him. He kept an eye on the radar in front of him, waiting for the signal to shoot at the reflector.

As he drew closer, Luke began to sense the Darkness that was close to him.
It was Vader in the Fighter behind him.

As the signal came, Luke fired off at the reflector panel, and lifted up before he crashed into the wall. Vader did the same, and flew far away as the Death Star exploded in a large manner, the air pushing Luke's Fighter back towards the Planet of Yavin.

"WOOHOO!" Han yelled, causing Luke to grin. "We did it!"


As Luke quickly climbed out of the Fighter, instantly surrounded by the remaining Pilot team, and Leia.
"I knew you could do it!" Leia yelled as she threw her arms around him.
Han charged through the crowds, and hugged Luke. "I knew you could do it, Kid!" He yelled as Luke laughed aloud.

As people cleared out of the way, Mara quickly ran to Luke, throwing her arms around him as he lifted her. She buried her face in his neck as she hugged him tightly.

"You did it." She whispered.
"I told you I would be back." Luke smiled.

A low hiss filled the air as a machine lifted R2 out of the side wing, the metal burnt and damaged. "Oh no."

Luke quickly hurried to the droid, and C-3PO followed. "Oh dear! R2, can you hear me? Say something!"
A low beep was heard, and everyone sighed of relief.
"Can you repair him?" C-3PO asked.
"We'll get to working on him right away." A man said as they placed R2 on a cart.

As Mara looked back at Luke, she folded her hands.
"What now?" She asked.
Luke smiled before taking her face in his hands, and pressed his lips to hers.

She smiled as he pulled back, not letting her go.

"The beginning has yet to come."

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