6 | Death Star Difficulties

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The disguised Han, Luke and Mara made their way through the first level of the Death Star. Chewie walked along side of them, acting as if he were a prisoner.

"This way." Luke said, turning to walk down a hall.
Han lowered his head to Mara. "I hope this kid knows what he's doing."
"I have no doubts." Mara replied.

As they reached the detention level, the Imperial Officer nearest to the control panels and radio looked at the four of them.
"Where are you taking this thing?" He asked.
Luke cleared his throat quietly. "Prisoner transfer. Cell block 1138."
The man's eyebrows furrowed. "I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it."

Mara quickly tossed her blaster to Chewbacca as he broke free of his binders, quickly shooting at the standing Officer's in the room.
"Watch out he's loose!" Han yelled, shooting at the security cameras. Mara and Luke joined, every standing Officer laying on the ground.

Mara quickly took off her helmet as Luke stood next to her. "Cell 2187, go."

Han ran towards the panels and turned on the intercom. "Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal."
Mara rolled her eyes as she followed Luke down the hall if the Detention Level.
"What happened?" The Officer asked.
"Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction. But everything's perfectly alright now... How are you?"

"We may die sooner." Mara said as her and Luke searched the the Cell number.
"We're sending a squad up."
"Uh, negative negative! We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. large leak, very dangerous."
"Who is this? What's your operating number?"

Han quickly stepped back and shot the intercom before throwing his helmet across the room. "MARA, LUKE, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE COMPANY."

Mara and Luke looked at each other before quickly running towards Cell Block 2187. Luke busted the door open; revealing a young girl dressed in white, laying on the uncomfortable metal bench-bed.

She sat up, looking at the storm trooper. "Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?"
"Huh? Oh-Storm trooper!" Luke quickly took off his helmet, his eyes meeting the Princess'. "I'm Luke Skywalker, and this is Mara. We're here to rescue you. We're here with your R2 Unit and Ben Kenobi."

Her eyes widened as she shot up from the bench. "Ben Kenobi!?"
Mara grabbed her arm as the three left the cell, only to press as close to the wall of the detention blocks walls as much as they could as troopers shot at them. Han and Chewie joined them as they shot at the troopers.

"What now!" Mara yelled, quickly shooting at the standing troopers. Luke moved to stand at Han's side, but the Princess grabbed his blaster, and shot at the wall.

Mara choked on the awful smell that formed throughout the air of the hall as The Princess tugged on Luke's arm, along with Han. "Into the garbage chute, flyboy!"
Chewbacca roared loudly as Han tried to push him. "Come on your furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!"
Finally going down the hole, Luke grabbed Mara's hand and helped her down the chute, all of them landing in piles of garbage.

"Garbage chute. Really wonderful idea. What an incredible smell you've discovered!" Han yelled, lifting his blaster. "Get away from there."
"No wait!" Mara, Leia and Luke shouted.

As the blast bounced off of the sturdy walls, they all ducked.
"Put that thing away, you're going to get us all killed!" Leia yelled.
"I had everything under control until you led us down here!" Han shouted at the Princess.
"It could be worse." She hissed.
A deep moan rumbled through the small garbage compactor room, causing Mara to swallow.

Han looked at the surrounding garbage. "It's worse."


Ben Kenobi made his way through the corridors of the Death Star, easily avoiding the blinded Storm Troopers as they guarded each level.

As he made it to the lever switches, he stepped off of the ledge, onto the other. He slowly made his way around the circled stand, the troopers not hearing a thing as two marched by.

Once he was finished, he used the Force to distract the two, causing them to look the other way, giving him a chance to leave.

Darth Vader stood next to Grand Moff Tarkin as an off feeling erupted him.

"I sense something." Darth Vader sensed as the troopers searched the Millennium Falcon. He turned his head to the side. "A presence, I have not felt since.."

He cut himself off, and quickly walked towards the mechanical sliding doors.

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