17 | Bespin Disaster

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Han Solo looked over at Leia as the Millennium Falcon landed on Bespin.

"Don't worry, Lando's an old friend."
Leia didn't say anything as Han squeezed her hand, standing up from the Pilot seat. Chewbacca growled, and Han looked at him.

"He won't hurt me, Chewie." Han assured the Wookiee.
He moaned before standing up, along with Leia.

As they excited the Falcon, they were instantly surrounded by the pink sky.
Chewie stood next to Leia as Han stepped closer to the Guards that were getting grouped. A male figure stood out from them, motioning them to stand guard. He walked towards the three, staring at Han.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up after what you did, Solo." The dark skinned male said to Han.
Han smiled. "Come on, Lando. That's all in the past."
Lando stared at him for a second, until he grabbed Han's shoulders. Taken by surprise, he eased as Lando embraced him with a deep laugh.

As Lando looked over Han's shoulder, he spotted Leia. "And who might this be?"
Han turned to the Princess. "This is Leia Organa. Princess of Alderaan."
Lando leaned down and kissed Leia's hand. "It is a fine pleasure meeting you."

Han placed his large hand on Lando's shoulder as jealousy erupted through him. "Lando, you teaser."
Lando laughed at the Smuggler.


As the four followed Lando through the building, Chewie growled as C-3PO turned to a different direction.

"R2? Is that you?" C-3PO asked as he heard the familiar beeping.
3PO came to a halt as he came face to face with a creature.
"Oh dear, forgive me -"

Chewie roared aloud as C-3PO's legs detached. He hurried into the room and gathered him, beginning to put him back together.
"Ow! Be careful!" 3PO shouted.
Chewie growled and placed 3PO's body into a net on his bag, hurrying to the others.

Leia felt off as she stayed close to Han. Lando looked back at the two as if he was afraid, before opening the doors to a room.

Han drew his blaster as he came face-to-face with Darth Vader, but it was too late. Vader extended his hand out to take the weapon, and placed it down on the table.
"We would be honored, if you'd join us." Vader said.
Boba Fett stepped forward, behind Vader as he held his weapon to his chest. "

As Han and Leia turned around to sprint, a group of Storm Troopers blocked them.

"I had no choice, they arrived right before you did. I'm sorry." Lando said to his old friend.
Han looked down at Leia as she looked at him. Once he looked back at Lando, he inhaled.

"I'm sorry too."

Han grabbed Leia's hand and held it tightly as Chewbacca roared. They all stepped into the room, and the doors closed with a hiss.


Luke sat down quickly as his chest ached.

Han and Leia were in danger.

"Luke?" Mara asked, standing in front of him.
He swallowed as he looked up at her. "I sense something."
"What is it?" She asked as she leaned down near him.
"Han and Leia are in danger." He answered. "Vader is on Bespin. Lando turned against them."

Mara's eyes widened. "What are we going to do?"
"We have to go."

"Stay, you must." Yoda demanded.
Luke turned to Yoda. "I will not let them die because of me. I must face Vader alone."

Luke hurried towards the Fighter that had been lifted from the water by Yoda, and put everything that had been on the camp into the Fighter. Mara joined, and looked at Yoda.

"Ben was like my father." She began. "You trained him to be the great man he was. I'm entirely grateful."

Yoda hummed as he patted Mara's arm before she turned to Luke, and climbed into the Fighter.

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