Lover's Spat

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A/N: Image of Yin Above!

A feminine scream was sounded and a girl jumped out of the bushes.

She was a girl with purple eyes and brown hair. She had no headband, but I recognized her face. She was a rouge.

Yin's POV

I stood tall--well as tall as I would make myself look--and gave the rogue a hard stare, my visible eye glued to her violet ones. "What is your business here, rogue?" I questioned, using an authoritative tone of voice--the one I start to use when interrogating people along side boss. The girl stayed quiet, getting into a defensive stance as my squad--Danika and Daiki standing in their own defensive stances, ready to go on a dashing run if she decides to make a run for it and somehow get passed Division Steel Water and Steel Wind.

I took a step towards the rogue. "I will only repeat this one more time: what business do you have here?" I watched as my teams silently performed the hand signs for a special jutsu we created.

She was silent once again before she tossed a smoke bomb at me. It never went off though, I had caught it with such a light hand that it simply stayed its spherical shape. She ran at Hikari, a kunai in hand, but she was thrown back by an invisible force. "Nice try." Hiroshi mocked.

"Hehe, sorry rogue-chan, but no one can escape once our barrier is complete." Midori chuckled. "So just give it up."

Umi created a clone--without speaking or making a hand sign or breaking the sign she was holding to keep up her end of the barrier. Her clone then did a handful of different signs before the rogue's feet was suddenly sunk into the ground--her feet held tightly by hardened earth. "I recommend that you answer our questions now. Our sensei is not a patient person, nor will she spare you any mercy when you are brought into the interrogation room." She advised, her tone of voice even more deprived of emotion than normal.

"I-I think you should listen to Umi-chan..." Kimi muttered out shyly, her hands held tightly in the sign of the ox. "You'll be in less pain if you speak now..." I couldn't hold back the proud smile. Seems my daughter is finally growing a backbone.

The rogue spat the the ground. "My business here is none of yours." Her voice was brave, fearless, but I could hear a hint of nervousness lining her tone. Her pupils quivered, looking back to where she had jumped out from, and her body was ridged in defence and focus. She was running from someone.

Sighing, I did a few quick hand signs and she was now wrapped in chains created from my chakra. I nodded and my six students released the barrier. "If that is your answer, then I am going to have to bring you to my office at the ANBU interrogation Core." I tugged on her chains to yank her out of the ground as Umi's clone disappeared into smoke. "Now lets go."

Daiki's POV

I followed Yin-san as she pulled the female rogue by a chain of chakra. The rogue didn't look any older than me, maybe even a year younger.

As we walked behind Yin-san though, I couldn't keep my eyes from wondering over to my new teammate. Her wavy pink hair was swaying with each step she took, her blue backpack bouncing along with her hops. I noticed one of her hair bows had fallen. Before I could decide to pick it up and give it back to her, the other male in the group plucked it from the dirt path.

"Oi, Flamingo, how'd you manage not to notice this?" He dangled the blue ribbon in front of her face like he was taunting a child. "Oblivious and un-cute, I feel for the idiot stuck with you in the future." His mouth curved up into a smirk. "If there's and idiot dumb enough that is."

The hot-pink eyed girl puffed her cheeks. "Baka-Hiro, give it back!" Then she threw a punch at the male--only for said male to dodge to the side and place the ribbon on the girl's head as she catches herself from falling face-first into the dirt path.

"Hey! No fighting, you two can finish your lover's spat after we drop this one off for boss to deal with." Yin-san sighed at the two. She then turned to look down at the brown haired girl. "And you, don't even bother to complete that wind style jutsu, it'll only make things more painful for you later. The rogue flinched and I noticed her hands fall back to her side.

"How did you notice that, Yin-san?" My sister asked with wide eyes. Usually she was the one noticing small things like hand signs being made just out of eye sight, but it seems this time our new instructor beat her to it.

The eye-patch dawning girl shrugged. "When you've seen as many things as I have, not much get passed you." Was her mysterious answer.

Danika had stars, and I think a heart, in her icy blue eyes. "You're... so... cool!"



Hey everyone! It's been a long time, sorry 'bout that!

Anyways, here's another short chapter to keep you in suspense.

If any of you have an idea for the next chapter, I'd love to hear it... TT_TT

Well, tomorrow's Valentine's Day so that means I gotta go work at the family flower shop and spend the night with my one true love: my fridge full of ice cream, cake, and fried chicken. #SingleLife

Anyways, hope you all have a great Scamingtine's--cough cough--I mean Valentine's Day!

Love you all so much!

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