CHAPTER 9: Time for a New Team Generation!

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Image of Umi Tori and the Mai twins, Chidori and Midori, above/to the side^^

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Yin's POV

It's my last day as a substitute teacher, and it's time once again to separate the class into Genin Squads.

Everyone passed their graduating test yesterday and Iruka is now standing next to me in front of the classroom-ready to call out the names-with a clipboard in his hand.

"Alright, first I'd like to say a big "congratulations" to you all. You survived almost an entire school week in my care and have now taken one step up in the food chain. Though you are all now at the bottom of the pyramid, Genin level, I'm sure you will excel to great lengths in the future." I said with a proud smile, resting my hands on my hips and shifting my weight to one side slightly.

Iruka said some words as well before calling out who's in which squad. "...and now, this next squad is special. It will be a squad of six, not including the instructor who will be in charge." Iruka commented before reading out the six names to the confused class of genins.

"Kimi Aka, Hikari, Hiroshi Fujioka, Chidori Mai, Midori Mai, and Umi Tori."

No One's POV

As Iruka finished announcing the squads, Yin kept a slight smirk on her lips as she reminisced and allowed nostalgia to wash over her. 'I wonder how this batch will fair in life...I'lljust let time tell me at its own paste.' She thought as the students were dismissed for lunch.

Yin waved to Iruka and said 'good bye' before Body Flickering to the Hokage's office. "Ah Yin-sensei. I see you've decided to take on a rather interesting role this time." Tsunade grinned at her former instructor.

Yin let out a small laugh. "You know I love a challenge." Tsunade nodded in agreeance and the two chatted till it was the end of lunch and it was time for Yin to go.

"Good luck!" Tsunade shouted before Yin left through the door, for once.

Yin appeared in a icy, snowy wind in the classroom. "Okay. The team of six please follow me." She smiled, walking out the door with her new team following close behind her.

She brought them to the roof, where Kakashi brought team 7 four years ago. Yin sat on the rail, crossing her legs and balancing perfectly. Her team sat on the stone benches in front of her.

Yin looked over the kids before her. "Okay. Why don't we all introduce ourselves to each other?" Yin asked-more along saying then asking-with a smile.

She looked to a girl with short blonde hair and green eyes. "Why don't you start?" She said to the blonde.

The girl took a deep breath. "My name is Umi Tori. I'm the last or the Tori family and enjoy watching sunsets." Her crystal clear green eyes held a soft and kind look. "I wish to become a shinobi who can protect those around her."

Yin nodded and looked to the sisters. "I'm Chidori Mai. I'm the older twin." The straight haired one said softly. "I like swimming and climbing trees."

"My name is Midori Mai. I'm the younger twin." The wavy haired girl said, her green eyes shining in the sun light. "I like swimming and dance."

With a nod, Yin looked to the wavy pink haired ball of energy. "I'm Hikari!" She grinned as said excitedly. "I like pulling pranks and running. My favorite foods are ramen and strawberries."

Yin nodded again and looked to the silent boy. Hiroshi sighed and straightened his back. "I'm Hiroshi Fujioka. I like training and I hate spicy foods." He said simply.

Yin nodded yet again and looked to the last in the seating line. "I-I'm K-K-Kimi Aka." She stuttered. "I-I-I like... cooking... a-and camping..."

Yin smiled at all of them and crossed her arms. "Well, you all already know me but I'm Yin Yuki Suzaku. I'm been called a training addict and I love winter."

She then handed out two papers. One with a schedule and one with information fill out form. "The first form is the meeting schedule. It may be changed throughout our time together but for now that's when and where we will meet." Yin informed. "The other sheet is to let me know a bit more about you. If you don't know your chakra type then just tell me tomorrow morning and I'll help you find out."

Yin then stood on the rail. "That's it for today. Remember, meeting is tomorrow morning at 5am in training ground 7."

With that she disappeared in an icy wind.

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