Ice Leviathan

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Hikari's POV

"Beast Tearing Palm!" I slashed my arm and a long blade of wind sliced through the air, slashing off Damien's right leg. The other two jumped out of the way just in time. Clicking my tongue in annoyance and increased my speed, nearly becoming invisible to the untrained eye.

The nameless man quickly formed the hand signs for the ram, then horse, ans lastly the dragon. "Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet!" I jumped into the air as I dodged the bullets, using each to keep me propelled in the air as if I were a dancing fairy in the wind.

Using the last bullet to launch myself high into the air, I flipped so that I was diving head first. Tora, U, Tatsu. I made my hand signs as fast as lightning before releasing my Jutsu. "Wind Release: Flower Scattering Dance!"

A scream tore through the air as my Jutsu ended and I landed on the top of a low tree. Margaret had been struck dead, a sharp branch that she had been knocked into stuck out straight through her heart.

"One left." I grinned and looked to the muscular man. "Looks like you're all on your own now."


I leaped away from the paper bomb that the masked man threw at me and leaped into the air. I quickly formed the proper hand signs and droplets of frozen water gathered around me before turning into senbon needles made of ice. "Frosted Senbon Rain!"

The moment I had pinned the man down with my jutsu, Brooke jumped on him and brought down her paw--four gashes now running down his face and was sure to scar. "That's enough, Brooke." I said quietly. "We should go check on the others now, this man is already down for the count."

Brooke barked once after growling at the man and we both ran to the other side of the trail where we sensed fighting going down.

When we got there Hikari was fighting a man who was wearing a shirt that looked to be a size or two too small for him. That can't be comfortable. I thought as I silently began to make a few hand signs. I'm not good at this one yet but oh well. Hope this works.

"Ice Leviathan!" A leviathan made of ice formed around me, it was thin and was smaller than the one okka-sa can make--about the size of three large men--but it was better then nothing. My leviathan shot out and trapped the man attacking Hikari.

"Thanks Kimi, I owe you one!" Hikari shouted and in an instant her hand had shot straight through the man's chest, impaling him in a way, her hand could be seen coming out of his back in a bloody mess.

She yanked out her arm and whipped the blood off her hands--that was when I noticed her sweater's sleeves had been torn off.

"I didn't knkw you were strong enough to do that, Hikari." I commented and I petted Brooke on the head.

She looked up at me with her usual big, goofy smile. "Thanks!" Her voice seemed a bit different but I shrugged it off. "Now let's catch up with the others."

I nodded in agreement and we started a running dash towards where Brooke could smell the others went.

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A/N: it's short but hey, I wanted to put something up today cuz it's my birthday!

Love you all and thanks for all the support!

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