CHAPTER 2: Naruto's Back!

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Yin's POV

It's been a year since I've come back home to Konohagakure.

Konohamaru and his gang have grown. Their still the same but I have to say that Konohamaru has grown to be quite like Naruto.

Konohamaru plans on becoming the seventh Hokage, declaring that Naruto will be the sixth.

Speaking of Naruto, the knucklehead and Jiraiya came back today. Naruto still wears orange but he added more black and he's grown taller than Sakura now. He seems to have grown up quite a bit but he's still a pigheaded moron.

Just as pigheaded as the Kushina and Minato combined.

During the years, Sakura has been training under Tsunade and has grown into a well-rounded medical ninja, though she could still use some more training, emotionally wise.

Chōji has gotten stronger and is having a long distance relationship with a girl from Suna who came by to deliver the stuff I accidentally left back in their village. The two just clicked and it really helped that she was staying for a week.

Neji's become kinder to Hinata and the they have mastered the power of the scrolls I have them.

Neji still has the white and grey scroll I gave him, I gave Hinata a purple and white scroll, lastly, I entrusted Hinata's little sister, Hanabi, with the green and white scroll.

All in all, I'm extremely proud of everyone, they've all grow so much and it truly warms my heart, and relaxes me, to know that not all of my students turned out bad.

I'm currently at Ichiraku Ramen, enjoying a nice bowl of miso ramen when certain blond and white porcupine haired males walked in. "Hey Yin!" Naruto greeted as he took a seat next to me. "Hello, Yin-sensei." Jiraiya greeted before taking his seat next to Naruto.

I turn to face the two. "Hey guys, how was the trip?" I asked. "It went okay I guess, I finally completely mastered the Rasengan and we created a few new versions of it." Naruto shines. "The little squirt gave me a hell of a time." Jiraiya sighed.

I giggled at this. "Really now? I seem to remember you giving me a hard time when I first started to train you and the other two. In the end, I got all three of you tied, upside down, to a tree stump." I laugh a bit, Naruto laughing alongside me. "Senseiii!" My perverted student whined.

"So Yin, besides your cloths, what els changed, you're still the same height I mean." Naruto tried to ask delicately.

A vain popped on my forehead, due to the comment on how I'm still the same height, but I ignored it. "Well, for one thing, the bounty on my head went from 350 000 000 000 000 Ryō to 777 000 000 000 000 Ryō. I was the Kazekage for a year, before I decided on the right person for the job." Naruto cut me off right there. "Who?"

I sighed but then smiled. "Gaara. I helped him study and did a hella lot of arguing with the Suna council. Those guys are almost as stubborn as you." I answered. "Now, where was I... oh yeah! I am now a Jōhnin again and full time member of Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force/ANBU Torture and Interrogation Core for the Hidden Leaf. I re-picked up sword fighting and I got Chōji a girlfriend."

Naruto looked at me wide eyed. "Wow, you have changed a lot. OH! Do you think you could set me and Sak-" I cut him off right there. "Nope! I think someone else deserves a date with you." I smirk.

He arched an eyebrow. "Who?" I chuckled a bit before answering. "Who else, Hinata. She's had her eye on you for a long time now, Naruto. You might've never noticed and well, she never came out with it, but you've actually never been alone. She's been watching over to since you guys were kids, always praying for your safety as well." I smile at the memory of when I first caught Hinata watching over Naruto's training.

The idiot collapsed and Hinata went over, checked if he was okay, and then left a little container of medicine and a few snacks next to him.

Naruto seems stunned by this 'new' information whiles Jiraiya face palms at how clueless his pupil really is. "Well, why don't you go and see Hinata, she's changed quite a lot in the past two years and has gotten stronger under my training. Go ask her out on a date." I wink, causing him to blush slightly, in embarrassment, at my suggestion.

"A-alright... yeah! I'll go ask her right now!" He then jumped out of his seat and left.

"Hasn't changed a bit...." I sigh, shaking my head. I then grabbed Jiraiya by the shoulder. "Where do you think you’re going, don't think I'm gonna pay for yours and Naruto's food, so pay up." I said with a low voice and dark smile.

He whimpered in disappointment and fear. "Yes sensei....."


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