CHAPTER 5: Substitute

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Yin's POV

We're all back at the hidden leaf, after a very... strange piggy back race...

I just finished interrogating five men on the whereabouts of Orochimaru's hideouts but came up with nothing.

I let out a deep and utterly sad sigh as I entered Iruka's classroom. Hey Iruka. You needed a substitute?" I waved once I slid the door open with my foot.

Said brunet turned to face me. His face looked beyond pissed but softened back to normal once he recognized who I was.

He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, Yin-san, thanks again for doing this." He thanked before dashing out of the classroom.

I shook my head and just walked to the front of the classroom. "Alright kids, I'm going to be your substitute teacher for the rest of the week." I started. "My name is Yin Yuki Suzaku. Any questions?"

The class erupted with student voices till I pointed to a smug looking kid. 'Reminds me of three certain brats... *cough*Jiraiya*cough*Naruto*cough*Sasuke*cough*' I thought as I grinned 'evilly' and leaned back on the desk behind me.

"You. What's your name and question?"

The dark orange eyed boy with dark burgundy hair straightened up. "I'm Hiroshi Fujioka. How old are you? You can't be as young as you look."

I stared at the boy with no emotions before letting a laugh bark out. "Ha! You're a sharp kid, Hiroshi. No one's ever figured it out before me telling anyone, let alone in just.... ten minutes." I praise. "I'll give you a hint as my answer; I was born about.... a thousand years before the first Hokage."

Hiroshi didn't seem phased by my answer, but that doesn't mean the rest of the class wasn't.

Hiroshi Fujioka's POV

'Our substitute teacher, Yin Yuki Suzaku is older than the first Hokage... who's dead. Guess the rumors of the legendary clan that holds time in their hands is true.' I thought as Yin-sensei brought us all outside to the wooden targets.

We all lined up by the wall of the school building. Yin-sensei looked down at her clipboard, reading through some papers and notes that Iruka-sensei probably left for her.

Still looking at the clipboard, she started to give out instructions. "Alright class, when I call your name, I want you all to try and hit the targets with either kunai, shuriken or whatever long distance weapon you want." She looked up. "Kimi Aka."

A girl with black, gently fading to red, haired girl with bright blue eyes stepped forward.

The girl, Kimi Aka, wore a black sailor fuku with white lining and a red tie. A long sword with a black and red diamond hilt strapped to her side.

Whispers of gossip and teasing began to be hushed around the line.

"It was her, wasn't it?"

"Yeah. She's that girl, the one who almost got killed. The one they found in that place."

"Wasn't the one trying to kill her-?"

The girls were cut off by sharp blades of ice falling just at their feet, landing a small and thin cut on their cheeks.

We all turned to Yin-sensei. She held a glare that could slice you into bits if possible. "Talk like that could create a real demon, would you really want to be the cause of that? Have your name forever engraved in stone; as the one who caused a demon to be born." Her tone ice cold and her face wiped clean of emotions.

Everyone looked down and mumbled an apology, but one girl didn't. "How dear you shed even a drop of my blood! Do you have any idea who I am?!"

The girl with long deep orange haired, wearing expensive white and red clothing shrieked.

Everyone took slow steps away from the rich and spoiled girl, who's also the main source of the rumors.

Yin-sensei kept her face clean of emotions. She didn't seem to care but the orange haired girl continued her shouts. "I'm Himiko King, as in one of the riches families in this village." She smirked but gained no reaction from out sub-teacher.

"And I'm Yin Yuki Suzaku, sensei to the Three Legendary Sannin, third and fourth Hokage, the Hyūga clan's strongest members in history, the first generations of the Uzumaki and Uchiha clans and I was temporary Kazekage and am currently an ANBU instructor." Yin-sensei shot back calmly. "I also went straight from Genin to Jōnin to ANBU caption. Wichita means i have final say."

"Final say in what?" Huffed the spoiled girl. "Himiko King, you are here by pulled out of the academy until you are able to show the potential to have the mindset of a genin."

Yin-sensei scribbled down something on a paper and handed it to an ANBU that showed up the moment she waved her hand in the air. "Take this to the Hokage and have it approved. I'm sure Mr. King would be able to continue his business trips without worry that his daughter could die on a mission."

The ANBU nodded and disappeared with the paper. "You can't do that! And what mind set are you talking about?!" Himiko shouted and flung her arms around, smacking a pink haired girl in the face with the back of her hand.

"One you never seem to have used. Go ask some Shinobi later, if you must." Yin-sensei sighed. "Until you understand this: a dead man's battle is not one that should be fought alone. What is a Shinobi's most important asset?" Himiko held a confused look whiles other thought about what the simple answer could be.

"For now, sit on the side and out of the way till someone comes to pick you up."

With no other words to say, Himiko obeyed and sat under a tree.

Yin-sensei turned her attention back to Kimi. "You may start."


There's a pic of Himiko King above or on the side^^

Since some of you people don't want to give me a brake, even though I said I'd be back in five or six months NOT one, I'm gonna post this now.


>_<       TT^TT      >_<       TT^TT      >_<

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