CHAPTER 7 Tower of Yin

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Yin's POV

Day two of being a substitute and Iruka didn't leave any instructions for today, so I'm taking them all on a little field trip.

"Yin-sensei, where exactly are we going?"

"Yeah. We've been walking for hours!"

"My feet hurt!"

"Are we there yet?!"

"Ow! A bug just bit me!"

The majority of them complained-whining like dying animals. "It's only been an hour. Also, we're here." We come to a stop in front of two large, metal and chakra reinforced, double doors.

"Where is this?" A girl with pink hair and darker pink eyes asked with excitement. She's jumping up and down whiles clapping like a child who's getting to go to the candy shop. "That, Hikari, is my personal training tower...." I state proudly, resting my fists on my sides. "'s also where I train my ANBU teams."

The looks on some of the students' faces were priceless.

"Why are we here?" A green haired girl with blue toned purple eyes asked. "Well, Chidori Mai, it's because you're all going to be doing training here." I then opened the doors, revealing three males standing in a line the door.

Two wore ANBU masks whiles the other wore a plain forest green hoodie.

"Class, these are a few of the ANBU whom I instruct. You can call them by..." I gesture for the males to speak.

"Kain." Said the one with a white, green, and red fox mask.

"Shu." The spiky (blonde) haired dog masked ANBU answered in a mutual tone.

"Jinko." The maskless ANBU sighs, his hoodie shadowing his face completely.

The girl's seemed to like them, but not in the way I was hoping. 'Seems Sakura's classwasn'tthe last of fangirls... why me...!?' I mentally cry as I looked around.

"......Where's Suki?" I slump as I sigh out my question. Jinko points towards the bathroom area. "It's that time of the month for her." He informed bluntly with a stotic and flat voice.

Letting out a sigh and placed my fists on my hips. "Alright, you're going to divide yourselves into four groups. Now line up and number yourselves off from one to four."

The students all did as they were told and I'm thanking the heavens that Kimi and Hiroshi are in the same group.

Even if the other people in their group pick on her, Hiroshi is a boy filled with honor and pride. He wouldn't let her go through it alone at least... hopefully...

Suki finally showed once the groups were organized.

"Suki, where have you been?" I question the curly blonde haired woman, with a coyote ANBU mask hiding her onyx eyes.

The woman simply shrugged. "Bathroom." She grumbled.

I sigh and do a couple of hand signs after biting my thumb. "Summoning Technique! Wolves!" I slam my hand down onto the ground and two medium, one large, sized wolves appeared.

"Yamamoto, Akira, Nao. You three are on guard."

The three nodded before disappearing from sight and into a hiding place.

As I watch the students go through the training, my name was called out. "YIN-CHAN!" It was Ino and Shikamaru.

"Ino? Shika? What are you both doing here?" I ask with a smile. "We're leaving for a mission to get rid of the Akatsuki that were sighted in the Land if Fire." Ino explained.

"Just thought we'd say hi and bye before leaving." Shika added with a yawn. "Oh, so you guys are a part of the Nijū Shōtai team, huh? Well just be careful and come back home safe." I give Ino a hug and Shika a kiss on the cheek.

I was pulled into a full on mouth to mouth kiss by Shikamaru, one in which I accepted. "I see you're already putting Iruka's students through hell." He commented after we broke away for breath.

"Well if they can't handle this than they won't be able to handle C-ranked missions, let alone B or A ranked mission." I smirk. "I think I'll take in a team this year."

"Well just don't kill them with your extremely crazy training." Ino teases. We laugh for a bit before they left.

'They better come back alive.'


Pic of Hiroshi Fujioka on the top/side!

Hope you all like this chapter!

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