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-The Prologue-

[Liam’s POV]

I sat in my room, my elbows planted on my desk, scrolling through the various social media websites I was a part of – Facebook, Twitter, and even Tumblr. It was half past five in the afternoon and I was anxiously waiting for the latest upload from my all time favorite video blogger, or ‘YouTuber’, call it whatever you like. His name was Zayn Malik, and his channel’s name was ‘MoreMalik’. He was a well-known Internet comedian who uploaded every day except for the weekends. His material varied from how to’s, to reviews, to lip dubs, to even random nonsense that I just adored. It would be a safe bet to say I was obsessed with his channel.

I was about to close my laptop when I heard the wonderful noise coming from my email saying that Zayn had posted his video. And yes, I was so obsessed as to go all the way to get email updates telling me when Zayn did any activity on his channel. The email read:

Hey there fellow Subscriber, 

            I just posted my new video, ‘How To: Waste Your Time Professionally’. Here’s the link! Go check it out!



I wickedly grinned as my mouse hovered over the YouTube link and clicked it eagerly; preparing myself for the fit of laughter I was about to suffer from. When I clicked the link my desktop opened up a new Safari page and immediately opened YouTube. The video began buffering until I saw Zayn’s perfectly chiseled face on my screen. I positioned myself so I was comfortable and began watching the video.


Hey all you idiots who think I’m funny and spend minutes, maybe even hours, watching my videos. Today I took to my Twitter and asked you all what you wanted to learn to do today and a user by the name of, @belieber4lyfee asked me to teach you all how to professionally waste your time…


I watched closely as Zayn was demonstrating stupid, yet useful and effective ways to waste one’s time professionally. I couldn’t help but to laugh as I watched him awkwardly stare into the camera as he wasted his time professionally.


And, the last tip I have for you to waste your time is to spend hours every day watching my videos and boosting my views because that is a total time waster if you ask me. Thank you. I love you, and goodbye!


I thought the video had ended, but after the small, three second black frame, Zayn’s face appeared yet again and he began talking to the camera, as if he was talking to just me,

I’m stupid and forgot to mention that this Friday I am heading up to London with my best mate Niall and the two of us are going to do a meet and greet with all you cool people from there who enjoy us. We’ll be there all day, from like six in the morning through the entire day and into the night. So, do you understand? Today is Monday, so at the end of this week, on Friday, I’m coming to London, and if I don’t see your faces there I’ll probably have to kill you… Just kidding… Not.


Then the video finally ended suddenly and I sat at my desk, my jaw dropped, causing my mouth to form a large ‘O’ shape. He – Zayn – was coming to London, and I live in London. He was going to be here. Zayn was actually going to be in the same place as me. I didn’t know how to react. Do I scream? Do I cry? Do I jump for joy? I reacted the best way I could, by doing a little bit of each.

“Liam! What’s going on up there?” My mother shouted from the kitchen. I stopped jumping and ran to my door, quickly opening it as I shouted, “MUM ZAYN MALIK, THAT YOUTUBE GUY I’M OBSESSED WITH, IS COMING TO LONDON ON FRIDAY AND I HAVE TO MEET HIM!”

“That’s great honey, I’m so proud.” I heard her groan in response. She wasn’t a fan of my unhealthy obsession with Zayn, but I could care less because I was just so happy. I started jumping again when I got to my bedroom, and took my phone out, dialing Harry’s number.


“HARRY! ZAYN MALIK IS COMING TO LONDON ON FRIDAY! WE HAVE TO GO TO HIS MEET AND GREET. JESUS FUCK PLEASE GO WITH ME!” I was ecstatic. I couldn’t control myself as I screamed into my phone. I felt bad for Harry’s ears because I’m sure I was making them ache, but I didn’t feel bad enough to stop shouting.

Harry chuckled, “Jesus, Liam, calm down. Yes I’ll go. I’ll see you tomorrow, bye.” He ended the call with another chuckle and I ran and fell on top of my bed, exhausted from my over reaction of Zayn announcing his trip up to London. I calmed myself down a bit and dialed Louis’ number. He would be a bit more excited than Harry because he too was a fan.

“Hey Liam.” He sang into his phone, “Are you calling me about Zayn’s meet and greet here in London on Friday?”

“Yes! We’re going ok!”

“Of course, mate! I can’t wait to meet Niall. He’s so hilarious!” Louis gushed. Oh yeah, he was a fan of Niall, not so much a fan of Zayn, the actual owner of the channel. Niall was Zayn’s best friend who sometimes joined in on his videos, and by sometimes I mean usually every other day. But that didn’t matter to me because every video had Zayn in it and that was all right by me.   

“While you meet with Niall, I’ll be with Zayn! This is so exciting Louis! We’re going to meet them!”

“Did they say where exactly they’d be in London?”

“No… But we’ll spend the entire day looking for them, I don’t even care.”

“But we have school…”

“I’ll skip.”

“Think your ‘rents will go for it?”

“What they don’t know won’t hurt ‘em, Louis.” I grinned, but Louis couldn’t tell. We continued to laugh at each other until we said our goodbyes. When I hung up with Louis I just stayed on my bed, looking up at my ceiling and watching as my ceiling fan twirled round and round in a never-ending circle.

“I’M GOING TO MEET ZAYN FUCKING MALIK!” I shouted once more, probably pissing my mum off as she listened to my exaggerated fit from down in the kitchen. Oh well.

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So this is the Ziam fic I mentioned. So, this is only the prologue. Do you guys think you'll like it? Please let me know! I have the plot in my head and I think it would make for an interesting story, so might as well give it a chance, right? Yeah ^-^. OH AND JUST FYI, the YouTube link I used in the prologue is the link for Best Song Ever... So...

I'm giving this dedication to my love, @Anonymous43 . She's the one who made the cover, which I think looks very cool and I love it. She's a wonderful friend and I love her with my whole heart. Thanks again for the amazing cover, love ^-^. [She also got me addicted to doing the ^-^ face!!!]


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