Five - You Came Back

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-The Fifth Chapter-

[Liam’s POV]

“Louis stop it.” I groaned as I sat on my couch, listening to Louis complain and stress over the upcoming exams before the summer vacation.  “We all have them, you’re not the only one. Besides, you’ve written exams before.” I said, not feeling the littlest bit sorry for the fellow.

“Yeah but these are University exams.” Louis’ whines grew louder and more annoying. I sighed, shaking my head and looking at Harry who was sat on the single person chair my mum had just bought. He looked back at me, annoyance smeared on his face.

“Lou!” Harry spoke loudly, “Shut the fuck up!” Louis jumped at Harry’s booming voice and piped down as he retreated his eyes down to his hands. “You’ve written ‘University exams’ already. We did them before Christmas Holiday. If you’re stressed about it then go home and study some more, or you should’ve studied this weekend.”

I laughed at how Harry was ripping Louis apart. Part of me felt bad for the lad, but Harry had a point. “I was busy this weekend…” Louis mumbled. Harry scoffed and shook his head; clearly not buying the excuse Louis was giving him.

“With what? Hanging with that Niall kid? That’s your own damn fault. You knew you had exams, mate!” Harry spoke, his voice lightening up. “But fine, let’s go study now then.” Harry confirmed. He wasn’t one to hate studying as he cared about his grades and studying wasn’t anything horrible for him. However, for Louis, studying was practically Satan in disguise. I was indifferent about it.

“Umm… No thanks.” Louis lightly chuckled, scratching the back of his neck while smiling. I laughed an airy laugh and Harry just rolled his eyes, mumbling a ‘whatever.’

“I’m going to grab some water, anyone want anything?” I casually asked as I stood up, walking away from the blaring television. Both Harry and Louis said they were fine so I only poured one large glass for myself. I took a sip and looked around my kitchen, looking for something to eat, but no clue what to get. As I sipped and sipped on my water I picked up my mum’s coffee mug, suddenly getting a craving for Starbucks. I poured the rest of my water out and returned back to my friends, “Want to pop down to Starbucks? Maybe stay there for awhile and get some studying in?”

“I’m down.” Harry smiled as he stood, waiting for Louis to be his predictable self and try to make and excuse or a compromise. Louis groaned and stood as well, but not saying anything. I laughed and headed to my door, grabbing my car keys on the way to it. Harry grabbed his book bag and mine, and Louis grabbed his. The three of us walked out of my house and into my car, then drove ten minutes to the nearest Starbucks. When we pulled in and I found a parking spot, my phone got a text as we walked to the main doors. The text was from Zayn, making me want to both smile and frown. Smile simply because of this stupid weird crush I had on him, but frown because I had to tell him I couldn’t talk,

To: Zayn Malik
Hi Zayn. Louis, Harry and I just got to Starbucks. We gotta study for exams next week, so can I text you in a bit?


As soon as I sent that message I turned my phone off, already stopping myself from getting distracted by texting Zayn. The three of us ordered, got our drinks, took a seat in the back corner and cracked open our books. I started with English, but quickly got bored with that because I still to this day don’t know how to properly study for an English exam. I reached into my bag and grabbed another textbook randomly – Chemistry. I mentally challenged myself to become a master as Organic Chemistry and started reading and copying important information.

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