Four - Bisexual

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Read the Author's Note at the end ^-^.

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-The Fourth Chapter-

[Zayn’s POV]

Niall and I walked to the car, stuffing our luggage bags into the trunk and into the back seat of my SUV. Since I drove up, Niall agreed to drive back home, and hey, I wasn’t going to argue that. I took my seat in the passenger side and Niall took his behind the steering wheel. The two of us were both exhausted, but for different reasons. Louis left Niall’s room around midnight so I’ve been told, and he went to bed right after, so he’s only tired because he isn’t a morning person. I on the other hand stayed up till the early hours of the morning just so I could spend more quiet time with Liam as he slept on my lap and I played with his hair and sang.

As Niall began driving, I rested my head against the headrest and closed my eyes, contently listening to the radio as we drove without talking. Occasionally Niall would ask if he could change the station, and I would barely nod as each time he asked, he caught me when I would almost be unconscious due to sleep, and each time he spoke, it kept waking me up. I cursed him and his voice. Eventually Niall piped down, but sleep just wasn’t an option so I closed my eyes and recapped the events of the small trip we took. Niall seemed to really like Louis, like a lot. Apparently the lad was gay too, so, I guess we’ll see what happens with that when the time comes. I figured something happened between the two while they hung out, as Niall wasn’t one for taking things slow. He liked jumping right into things.

Then there was Liam. The thought of him made the corners of my lips curl up into a smile. I just couldn’t pinpoint what about him made my blood rush faster. The entire day we spent together happened way too quickly. Part of me wanted to move to London just so I could hangout with Liam more often, but that wasn’t possible, “Niall?” I called out, my eyes still remaining shut.


“The last time you really liked someone, how’d you feel?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, how did you know you really liked them?” I felt stupid asking him this. It’s been far too long since the last time I really liked someone. I had no clue if I liked Liam like that or not. I really didn’t. I mean, sure, I just met him and everything, and we’ve only really hung out once, but still, it made me feel so good.

“Well, your heart will flutter at the mention of their name. You’ll be mentally making a list of reasons why you want to see them. You won’t want to do anything unless that person is there with you. And most importantly, you’d be by their side no matter what, no matter the distance.”

I took in what he said, and evaluated it, “Is this how you feel when you think of that Louis guy?”

“Yes,” Niall said, “Please don’t judge me, Zayn. It’s been so long and he seems interested, it’s hard not to like him when it’s been forever.” I looked over at Niall who seemed upset, “I really don’t want to go home.”

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