Three - Review: London Meet And Greet

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-The Third Chapter-

[Liam’s POV]

The previous night I had agreed to meet Zayn at the small café beside the hotel he was staying at 10:00AM, and it was not that time. I pulled up into the small parking lot and found myself a spot to park in, taking advantage of the open space in front of me and pulling on through. I locked my doors and pulled my hood up so it was covering my head as it was raining in London. Surprise, surprise. As I walked into the cute little café I was hit with the strong aroma of coffee and baking. Yes, baking has it’s own specific smell.

I took my first step into the sheltered area and took down my hood, revealing myself to the empty café. I looked around and Zayn was yet to be there. I looked at my phone and it was only 10:01AM. I ordered a latte and a muffin and took a seat near the window so I could watch the people walk by and into the café. I noticed a small, skinny figure with glasses running through the rain and into the café. Of course, it was Zayn. He hadn’t noticed me so he proceeded to order. Once he got his order, he began looking around, smiling when he saw me sitting by myself.

“There you are.” He grinned as he came and sat across from me. I shyly looked down and grinned myself. Zayn Malik was having breakfast with me. I mentally punched myself in the groin for doing exactly what I told myself not to do – to not act all shocked and star struck.

“So, how’d you know it was me?” I casually asked as I sipped on my latte, eyeing Zayn’s drink in hand, a latte much like my own.

“Last night I spent some time looking at your pictures on Twitter. And may I add, you’re much more attractive in person.” I shot my eyes up to his own, embarrassed eyes, “I’m sorry that just slipped out.” I took note of the hint of blush running across his cheeks and couldn’t help but to smile. Zayn’s face turned downward as he looked at his hands, fiddling with them uneasily, waiting for me to respond.

“It’s okay, mate. Niall must be rubbing off on you.” I joked, causing for the tense of Zayn’s shoulders to slack and his face to peak up at mine, smiling weakly, “Besides, I’m not ashamed to call you attractive, I mean, c’mon, look at your cheekbones.” I continued to laugh.

Zayn smiled and sipped on his drink, “So, shall we get to know each other?”

“You first.” I winked, taking the first bite out of my muffin.

“Okay, well my name is Zayn Javaad Malik. I live in Bradford with my best mate, Niall. I make videos as my job and don’t tell Niall, but I consider myself bisexual.”

“Bisexual, really? What’s your type? Guy and girl.”

“Hey now, tell me about yourself first, mate.” Zayn chuckled, mimicking my actions as he took a bite of his muffin. We had the same muffin and same drink. Funny. I nodded and held up my hands in one of those ‘okay-okay’ motions,

“I’m Liam James Payne. I live here in London. I go to university right now. I like to go to the gym, and I’m not sure of my sexuality. I’ve never thought of myself with another guy. I think if I were to end up with a dude they’d have to be pretty damn hot.” I chuckled, picturing myself with a guy.

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