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-The Twenty-Ninth Chapter-

[Liam’s POV]

            Zayn watched as I posted an urgent video. We decided that since his channel was suspended, we should tell as many people as possible, so that’s why we sent out our apologies to everyone. It was a ten-minute long video that was one hundred percent embarrassing – having to say sorry for being careless and letting all his viewer watch me pleasure him till climax. We were careful with our word choice. So careful, that it took nearly a day to film.

            I had also gotten an email from the YouTube officials saying they were going to be watching my channel for the next bit. It was kind of like I was on probation. When the video was processed and was posted, I did as usual and tweeted about a new video. Even Zayn and Niall tweeted about it. It was half past nine at night so I wasn’t expecting to hear back from the viewers until tomorrow. I hope they would understand and wouldn’t hate me for getting their favorite banned for two months.

            “But hey,” Zayn grinned, “It’s already been a week and I’m fine. Two months will be over before we know it!” And he had a point. If he stayed grounded and happy, the two months would just fly by, “Maybe I can even help you with you school work.”

            At the mention of school work I shot my head up and ran to the kitchen, “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” I swore, flipping open my laptop. My fingers were typing quickly as I logged onto my online school website.

            “What’s the matter?” Both Niall and Zayn called, stepping out of their individual rooms.

            “I totally forgot I had a midterm to take today. I don’t know if it’s even up anymore.” I scrolled through my notifications and found the midterm, “Mates, what time is it?”

            “About quarter to ten.” Zayn spoke, sitting down next to me, “Why don’t you work in the bedroom, you’ll be less distracted.” His voice was soft – almost as if it were a whisper.

            “Cool. It’s available till midnight. I have two hours to do a three-hour exam. Here I go.” I was in a bit of a panic as I clicked begin. As the exam loaded I picked my laptop up, along with it’s charger, and ran to mine and Zayn’s room. Zayn stayed behind with Niall and I worked in peace. It took a bit for me to actually remember what the exam was on and which class it was for, but soon I got on track and motored through it.

[Zayn’s POV]

            “It’s half past eleven,” Niall yawned, “Do you think Liam’s done?” He was bouncing his feet against each other, turning the volume on the television down.

            “I’ll go check, hold on.” I whispered, pushing myself off the couch. I knocked on the door gently and pushed it open. Liam was skimming through his textbook and didn’t even acknowledge my entering. “How’re things going?”

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