Twenty Six - Panel Of Experts

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-The Twenty-Sixth Chapter-

[Liam’s POV]

            “Panel in ten minutes! Everyone get ready!” Tyler shouted from behind the curtain that hid him from everyone who was watching the panel, “Troye you’ll be by me, and Liam you’ll be on the other side of me. Zayn, you’ll sit at the other end, next to Troye. I’m going to be talking a bit about what I’ve planned for my channel and life, and then I’ve gotten extra time so that the rest of you can talk a bit about your plans – and Liam – you can introduce your channel.” Tyler was speaking rather fast and I caught Zayn smiling both at me, and at how silly Tyler appeared, and it made me smile back.

            We all waited around for the ten minutes, and when the MC introduced us all by name we walked out and I copied Tyler and Troye as they waved to everyone watching. Zayn was behind me and I was a little bummed he wasn’t siting next to me because I was really nervous and just wanted him to be next to me.

            We stood for a bit, and sat down when the crowd started to grow quiet. Tyler wasn’t hesitant to start talking. You could tell he’s done this before since he carried himself so well. I half listened to what he was saying because the people in the crowd who were holding posters that said ‘TROYLER’ distracted me. I knew that meant they shipped Tyler and Troye together, but I still didn’t really understand the concept of it. My eyes shifted from poster to poster and it shocked me when I saw a few people holding posters that said “ZIAM”. That was for Zayn and me. I could feel myself blush, and surely, the people could tell.

            “… and later in January I’ll be in Florida for another meet and greet and convention. Then in June I’ll all be in LA for VidCon.” Tyler took a breath and handed it off to Troye, who started talking about his own work and what he had planned for himself. His time to speak was much shorter than Tyler’s since he said that what he had planned was a big secret and he couldn’t tell yet; but, I already knew what it was – music.

            “So I guess I’ll go next.” Zayn’s voice echoed throughout the auditorium, “I’m sure you came to Tyler’s panel, not expecting the rest of us to show up.” He laughed into the mic, and the crowd laughed too, “Well, I just want to thank him for giving us this opportunity, so please, let’s all give him a round of applause.” I leaned away from the mic and started to clap, as did the entire auditorium – we all clapped for Tyler. He thanked Zayn, and Zayn started his own personal speech, “So I started YouTube a about a two and a half years ago, and this summer I was absent for a bit. Now, I’m not going to get too involved in my absence, but I just want to reinforce the fact that I am back now and hopefully nothing will happen again that will force me from taking an unexpected break like that.”

            There was a sudden burst of applause again, but this time for Zayn, and of course, they for what had happened this summer, “Thank you,” He smiled, “And now for my channel, I’m excited to be uploading new content. A lot of you have asked for covers so I decided I’m going to suck it up and give you some covers. It’s not going to be like a weekly thing, but probably more of a monthly thing. I also want to see if I can manage doing skits, so, you may see some of those on my channel, but I make no promises. I’m not the greatest at planned out – forced – comedy. I’m more of a on the spot kind of funny.”

            Zayn took another breath and continued, “And also, I thought, given this amazing chance, I’d share with you all that I also got invited to attend VidCon this June for the first time ever! Of course, I said yes, and I’m already so excited. It should be a good time.” And that ended Zayn’s time to talk, and began my time.

            “So I guess it’s my turn or whatever?” I shrugged and watched as the crowd laughed at my awkwardness. “Well unlike these three, you probably have no sweet clue who the hell I am –” Before I could finish I was cut off by a few screams in the crowd. A lot of them corrected me, screaming that they did know who I was. “– well okay then, so you know me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be any less awkward than I am already being.”

            I laughed, the panel laughed, and the crowed laughed. So, I guess that was a plus, “I really don’t have plans for my channel since I’m still a YouTube fetus, so if you’re subscribed, or just watch whatever I upload, you can expect a wide range of everything. But I can’t sing so I probably won’t do covers because you all want to keep your ears, I assume. One thing I can promise you; however, is a bunch of upcoming collabs I did with Tyler, Zayn, Zoe, Alfie, and Marcus. Troye and I still have to shoot our collab and I think it’s my favorite one because it’s about shipping and I still have like no idea what it means or anything, so since Troye’s the Tumblr Queen, he’s going to help me out.”

            That ended my speech and Tyler started speaking again, to end it all. There was a lot of clapping once again as we all stood and exited. I was the first to leave and when Troye left he came running down to me and gave me a big hug, “You did great!” He had his classic grin on his face – the one that showed his teeth – and was clearly really pumped up and excited, “We’re gonna shoot that video tonight, okay? You made me pumped!” Troye was like a little kid, he was that excited. He ran off, towards Tyler who got distracted with a conversation with some officials. Zayn was still out on the panel when Troye left me.

            I was wondering what Niall thought about all this. He was a part of the crowd and had to wait for us to leave backstage since he wasn’t allowed back here. I was surprised they even let me back here. I turned back to the curtain and Zayn was walking down the steps, towards me, with a big toothy smile on his face. I couldn’t help but to run up to him and hug him. He swung me around gently and when he placed me down on the ground, he planted a small, yet meaningful kiss on my lips.


            “You were perfect, love.” Zayn whispered, “You were made for this.”  

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Yeah, this is a bit on the short side for this story, but there wasn't much I could really include, you know? Let me know your thoughts on this update, okay? I just wrote this up so I could get something out for you all. I thought I was going to hate it, but it turned out a lot better than I had planned.

The next chapter will be out soon, hopefully, but guys, I've been going through some shit and that's why I've been lazy with my updates. I hope you understand.

Remember, I love reading your comments.


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