Seven - Unneeded Tension

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Short. Slow. Filler.

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-The Seventh Chapter-

[Zayn’s POV]

I sat in Liam’s living room, planning out my video for tomorrow. I had uploaded today’s this morning and now it was the afternoon and I was yet to have an idea for tomorrow’s video. Also, it was Wednesday, which meant Niall was going to be here soon. I needed to shoot this video soon because Niall and I were going to go out to dinner once he got here. I let out a heavy sigh, and closed my eyes trying to picture a video idea in my head. I let out a groan of frustration and slammed my laptop shut.

“Everything okay down there, Zayn?” Liam shouted from his room. He trapped himself in there for the past few days to study. He only came out to eat or use the washroom.

“No, I’ve no clue what to shoot about!” I shouted back up. I heard Liam mumble something, but I was too distracted to hear it, “You’ve any ideas, mate?” Liam didn’t respond. I gave him a minute before I shouted again, “Liam!”


“Do you have any ideas of what I could shoot about?”

“No Zayn, no I don’t!” He sounded a bit annoyed so I silenced myself and continued to force myself to think of videos ideas, but every idea I thought of either sucked, couldn’t be done, or I already did. I groaned and rested my forehead on the table, making a small ‘thud’ noise. I think I sat there for a solid twenty minutes because eventually Liam’s voice came up in my ear “Are you sleeping?”

“No. I’m mentally punching myself.”

“You really can’t think, can ya?” Liam teased, peeling down a banana and eating it. I only shook my head as a response, “Why don’t you do a video on what to do when you don’t know what to make a video on. Makes for a long ass title, but you could make it work.” Liam patted my shoulder and walked back up to him room, but shouted, “Just keep quiet!”

As soon as Liam locked his door, I opened my laptop and prepared myself to make my video – ‘What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do’. About two hours later I was finished filming and editing the entire thing. I saved the video document just when there was a knock at the door. Liam had told me earlier that if someone was at the door, I could answer.

“Zayn!” Niall shouted as soon as I opened the door, “Your directions were shit!” He chuckled. I let him into Liam’s house and brought him up the guest bedroom. As we walked up the steps I placed one finger on my lips and hissed a ‘shhh’ to my best mate. Niall nodded and remained quiet. I opened the door to the guest bedroom and closed it gently behind us, proceeding to explain to Niall that Liam was studying for his last exam before his summer vacation.

Eventually the next afternoon rolled around and I was shooting my video for the next day. I was having a better today as I actually had inspiration to shoot. I was making a rather pointless, yet silly video – ‘How To:  Make A Viral Video’. I was in the middle of shooting when both Liam and Louis walked through Liam’s front door, “We’re finally done!” Louis shouted.

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