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This book is dedicated to all those wives around the world who are suffering due to their husband's evil addiction.


"I have missed you a lot," he breathed with every word his lips lingered on her neck. His kisses were getting passionate. How much he had missed kissing her and feeling her. It had been torture. Severe torture to live alone.

Her heart pounded frantically, "I missed you too," she whispered running her fingers on his naked muscular shoulders. He was warm. The heat was radiating from him reaching out to her. She needed this. She needed him.

His hands went to the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up with his fingers tracing her sides. She shivered. He felt her gasping against his lips. He knew she always loved it when he touched her there. She raised her arms and he peeled the shirt off her and over her head, tossing it on the ground. Even on this summer night, he could feel goose bumps on her skin as his fingers trailed her waist to her back. With trembling fingers, he tried to unclasp her bra.

"Get it off. I can't wait any longer."

She softly laughed into his mouth as he kissed her deeply again, "You need to have patience." Her hands running through his hair and he lowered his mouth to her neck again.

He playfully bit the side of her neck, "I have waited a month. 30 days Sammy girl. I can't wait any longer." Oh, the things he was doing to her. She wouldn't be able to stand much longer. Her legs were getting wobbly.

His lips hovered over her collarbone and again he tried to unfasten her bra, "You are not going for this long ever again." She shook her head in amusement. His lips lightly trailed over her collarbone.

She gently brushed his hands away and unclasped the bra herself, dropping it on the floor. Stepping back with a mischievous smile and twinkling eyes, she murmured, "Last one to the bed is a boo boo."

She squealed and ran to the bedroom from the living room. He was close behind her. Before she could jump on the bed he grabbed her waist from behind and pulled her to him.

His tongue traced her ear, "You are a drug Sammy girl." His fingers were busy. Her breath hitched as she felt his fingers. This wasn't enough, he wanted more.

He turned her around and kissed her. There was an urgency now. Finally, feeling skin on skin. He pushed her on the bed, following her and hovering over her. With both hands on either side of her head to balance his weight, he lowered his head and lightly nipped her shoulder. He was breathing hard. Her pulse rose. His eyes shining with love and lust, "I can never get enough of you." His mouth seeking hers, "I will never get enough" he moaned kissing her right below her collarbone and his hands went to the waistband of her pants as his mouth lowered...

Curled on the sofa in the darkness, she let her misery finally take over her. Leaning her head on the backrest, tears trickled down. Lips quivered as she bit on them. She sniffled.

How did it come down to this?

They were living in separate homes now. She missed the nights spent in his arms, the lazy cold mornings cuddled in bed, his spontaneous kisses during the day, his habit of tickling her sides when she was cooking. She missed it all. Shutting her eyes, she let more tears fall. A sob left her trembling lips.

When was the last time he had kissed her?

When did he last seduce her with his eyes?

She had no recollection of the last time he had touched her intimately. It had been months since they slept together. It seemed they had become two strangers. The love had dissipated. They only were bearing each other for their children's sake. There was no affection, no play, and no companionship.

She buried her face in her hands and wept. Had she lost her sexuality after giving birth to three children? Was she not attractive?

Rubbing her face with her moistened hands, she sat up straight and looked out the window at the snowy dark winter night.

She wanted to be loved again.

She desired to be wanted.

She yearned to become his need again.


She knew she was not enough for him anymore.

Yikes this is the hottest scene I had ever written (Now I shall go look for my blanket on this winter evening to hide my face) haha.

And no before anyone assumes the book is NOT full of sex scenes. There would be 2-3 scenes throughout the book, this being one of them. The prologue depicts the passion between the couple.

Anyways, what do you guys think? Who is interested in knowing this couple?

Eagerly waiting for your comments and votes.

Until next time,

Assalam u Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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