Chapter 2

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"I am glad Liyaana goes to the crèche. Otherwise, I would get crazy with Daniyal and Liyaana all day," Samreen pondered out loud taking a slice of apple from Faraz's hand.

They were at the kitchen table quietly having breakfast. The soft spring sunlight was flittering through the windows illuminating the kitchen. Daniyal was on his high chair and happily making a mess out of his food.

"I am glad you don't have much to do during the mornings. Ain't I the best husband? Not forcing you to cook daily?" Faraz winked slicing the apple and handing it to Samreen.

She rolled her eyes at his self-conceited compliment then shook her head gazing at the apple slice, "Enough Faraz I don't feel like having more apple." Instead, she took a sip of her orange juice.

"You had only two slices of apple. You need to at least the whole apple," His forehead creased.

Samreen tilted her head and pouted, "You have it. You need the strength to bear with me and the kids."

Faraz softly chuckled, "That I do." Popping the apple slice in his mouth when his eyes caught attention on something on Samreen's neck.

He leaned forward and lightly rubbed the reddish mark on the side of her neck, "A hickey, huh?" he smiled brazenly.

Samreen's eyes grew wide, "Really?" touching it herself. "I am not surprised. You always do it." she nudged him with her elbow and stood up to clear the dishes from the table.

When she dumped the dishes in the kitchen sink, a thought flamed her cheeks and she spoke out loud, "You know the last time, it was very very embarrassing."

"What was embarrassing?" Faraz asked standing at the sink beside her and started to wash the dishes.

Samreen leaned against the sink and watched Faraz turning on the tap to soak the used plates. "Aileen came last time and I wasn't wearing my hijab. Well, there was no need to and she saw a rather big mark on my neck. She had a knowing smile. When our eyes met, I had literally turned red." She narrated the incident with a faraway look. "All because of you."

Soaping the plate, Faraz muttered, "At least Nouman didn't see it. I can just imagine the amount of profanity coming out of his filthy mouth."

Samreen had an alarmed look, "I would have died because of mortification if bhai would have seen it."

Faraz chortled, shaking his head in amusement as he placed the rinsed plate on the dish drainer rack, "He is no saint himself. I am sure he has a heck of a time with his wife."

Samreen punched him lightly on the arm, "Enough!! You are talking about my brother and his wife."

His laughter grew louder.

"I better change our messy baby now." She said approaching a very dirty but happy baby on the high chair.

"Hey don't pick him up. I will do that. First take your folic acid tablets. I don't want you complaining about tiredness in the middle of the day."

She took the medicine as she was advised with a smile on her face. Faraz had been more considerate than she could have imagined. She was nearing the end of her first trimester. It had been difficult, very difficult. But Faraz was by her side throughout, whether to remind her of her medicines, helping her out when she threw up or just doing house chores. Gazing at her husband's back while he washed the dishes, she was at utter peace knowing he was there for her.

"Stop staring at my back," he mumbled without looking at her.

She flustered, "I.... I ... I wasn't."

Forgetting Love (Dublin Sisters #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now