Chapter 4

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Early morning the eggs were cracked open on the frying pan. Milk with green cardamom pods and dried tea leaves was being boiled in a saucepan to prepare the desi tea. Samreen was hastily preparing breakfast as every day. But there was one big difference. The kids were not crying. Nawal sat by the kitchen table and was feeding a fruit puree to the baby. The whole family knew that Nawal loved sleeping but today when she heard Daniyal crying she had risen up to help her sister in law. After all, she was here to be as helpful as possible. Samreen was very grateful to Nawal, sacrificing her sleep for Daniyal's sake. Although, Liyaanah was still sleeping and so there were no little girl squealing in the house yet.

Faraz quietly came out of his bedroom dressed in a formal attire ready to leave for work. He walked through the kitchen and into the living room and started wearing his jacket without acknowledging his wife or sister.

Nawal frowned that why her brother didn't even speak a single word. Samreen pursed her lips in disapproval. She knew Faraz was still upset of what happened last night. She wordlessly walked up to him and placed her hand on his arm as he was shrugging into the jacket. He ignored her touch and then she held his arm, "Faraz have breakfast at least."

"I am not hungry," he mumbled stepping away and grabbing his car keys.

Samreen folded her arms over her chest and said forcefully, "I won't let you go without food. I know you are angry at me but don't create a scene in front of your sister."

This made him stop in his action of wearing his shoes. He sighed, "Fine." He slipped out of his shoes and followed her to the kitchen.

Nawal cautiously eyed her brother. She could see the tension between the couple. She had always seen them happy. She was unable to understand what would make her brother so grumpy. She was going to change that and make him and his sister cheerful.

"Salam bhai jaan. Seems like you woke up from the wrong side of the bed." Nawal teased.

"Walaikum salaam. Yeah, you can say that." he glanced at Samreen and took the first sip of his tea.

Samreen just shook her head at how he was behaving. She then placed a plate in front of him that was filled with eggs, toast, and fruit.

Nawal huffed. Her brother could be stubborn when he wanted. "Well, I am thinking to take the kids to the park today." She gazed out the window where it was a bright sunny day, "It such a lovely day."

Samreen nodded slowly, "Yes that would be a good idea. I will make you guys some sandwiches."

Nawal replied, "oh no you will not. I will make them myself. You can rest for a while when we are away."

Samreen smiled gratefully, "Nawal you are a great help."

Faraz finally spoke up after taking several bites of his breakfast, "I am glad you are taking care of your bhabi."

Samreen sighed in relief knowing his disposition was improving.

"Of course, I will bhai jaan. She is my elder sister," she grinned flashing her perfectly white set of teeth.

"Good take care of her. Let her rest," he said standing up ruffling Nawal's hair and kissing the crown of Daniyal's head. He then turned to his wife who was cautiously looking at him, leaning against the kitchen counter. Not breaking away from her gaze, he walked up to her and gently pressed her arm, "Take care don't do any exerting work," he softly said and kissed her cheek.

Samreen's cheeks flamed up. Faraz never showed any kind of affection in front of others. She knew this was his way of apologizing. She lowered her eyes as he left the kitchen and then the front door being closed was heard. She wasn't able to meet her eyes with Nawal. This was really embarrassing. But Nawal acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

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