Chapter 12

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The crickets stridulated in the darkness of the late spring night. There was quietness in the apartment. The children slept in their beds peaceful. Darkness filled each room. The clock ticked shattering the silence in the apartment. There was serenity after a busy day where children ran around screaming or the baby crying for endless needs. But Faraz and Samreen were awake. Both resting on their sides, facing away from each other. He was discreetly watching on his phone. The explicit video was on mute. While she was lost in deep disturbing thoughts about her husband. Fiza's words had stirred a storm within her. Everything was making sense. His denial of being close to her. His lack of interest in her. Most of all their non-existent intimate relationship since the birth of their youngest baby. He had to be cheating with another woman. But who? Was it someone at work? Or somewhere else? How long had he been in this affair?

As her thoughts drifted to desolate assumptions, she felt the bed moving subtly. Her eyebrows scrunched. Faraz was asleep, wasn't he? Why was bed moving in quick rhythmic movements? She rolled to her other side hastily facing his back.

Faraz stilled as he sensed her stirring behind him. His hand froze in fear in his pants. They had been in bed for last two hours, how was it she was still awake? A cold hand touched his shoulder, "Faraz?"

He immediately closed his eyes and feigned sleeping, controlling his ragged breathing. His heart hammering in his ribcage. The hand on his shoulder slid down his bicep and pressed, "Are you awake?"

He didn't reply.

She waited a long moment and then let go. He was moving but he stopped as soon as she spoke. What was going on? Was he dreaming?

There were too many unanswered questions. She will get to the bottom of this soon. She needed answers to salvage their relationship but most of all she was determined to solve this mystery for her own sanity. She aspired peace and if this continued she feared her soul will be damaged irrecoverably.


The events of last night were still swarming in her mind at the predawn prayer –Fajr. After salah, she went straight to her bedroom, glancing warily at the wall clock and the bathroom door and on an impulse, she grabbed Faraz's phone. He was busy taking a bath and it will take a while before he will emerge out. It was sufficient time for her to search his phone. With trembling fingers, she unlocked his phone easily. She hardly used his phone but knew his password. She was dreading what she will find but she was unwavering as she clicked on the phone log. First, she scanned through the contact list and the phone log. There were no calls from any mysterious new numbers or new names saved on the phone. Then she skimmed through the messages but there was nothing. Frowning, she clicked on What's App and again there was nothing. Slowly, she set the phone down on her phone.

Perplexed, her eyes scanned absently around the bedroom, going through all the events in the last few months, scrutinizing if there was any cause of suspicion in Faraz's attitude. She wasn't able to put her finger on what was disturbing. He was never late from work. He never ignored her calls. During weekends, he was always at home, not even going out with friends much. But ... but ... he was withdrawn from her and the children. He preferred solitude. Why?

Just then Faraz stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing the towel on his wet dark hair. His heart leaped as his eyes landed on the phone that was next to Samreen on the bed. He hurriedly picked it up and rushed out of the room.

Phone? What was so secretive about his phone?

Samreen gaped at his skittish behaviour to take possession of his phone. Her jaw clenched. He was never like this.

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