Chapter 10

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Samreen was standing by the cooker preparing breakfast, he approached her vigilantly. The guilt was gnawing him. He had been desperate last night and he wanted relief. But his conscious had reminded him of the sin he had committed. His hands settled on her hips, startling her as she flipped the eggs on the frying pan. She glanced over her shoulder and frowned. Since last night, she hadn't spoken a word. He never liked when she was quiet. He would rather listen to her yelling than be the brunt of her silent treatment.

She had been so occupied in cooking that she never noticed when he was standing behind her. When he touched her, she had a suspicion why he was trying to gain her attention away from cooking. He wanted to apologize for yesterday. But she was too upset. He never understood her or wasn't there when she needed him the most. These children were not only hers but his as well. She needed his support the most, especially for him to step up and take the responsibility.

"Let's forget everything and go out today? What do you say?" Faraz breathed in her ear.

She lightly nudged her shoulder against his chest so he would move back, "I have a lot to do," she muttered. She was in no mood to push the twin / double buggy or run after Liyaanah when they were in a shopping centre.

He was quiet for a few minutes and then attempted again, "Why don't I take the children out for ice skating and you and Salim can rest."

To this, she couldn't refuse. How much she was craving some alone time. Just so she can catch up on her sleep or watch television. An afternoon off with no children screaming sounded very appealing indeed.

She curtly nodded, "Okay."

He lightly kissed her cheek, "Great."

She gazed at her husband's retreating back and her heart sank. Again another issue had gone unresolved. How many issues will they keep burying or pretend to ignore? In the end, she was the one always making sure they live a harmonious life. She had always adapted to his ways just so she could please him.


Months had passed and he still dined with them daily. He would be anxious throughout the day and when she would smile at him all worries would fade away. Her eyes sparkled and her smile grew wider whenever he would praise her for the food she prepared them. Warmer months had arrived bringing in more opportunity for indulging in outdoor activities.

It was a warm sunny day in the midst of May, when Faraz stepped in Nouman's flat. He was greeted with a new sight. The food was packed in a picnic basket and Samreen was bending down wearing runners. He tried to avert his gaze from him perfect derriere but it was difficult. He definitely didn't want Nouman to catch him ogling his sister. He hastily cleared his throat to alert her of presence.

Samreen was mortified as she straightened and rushed inside her room to hide her flaming face. Nouman emerged from the kitchen with a glass of water, "We are going out to Phoenix Park. Samreen wanted to take the food and have it as a picnic there. Wanna join us?"

Faraz stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets and nodded, "Ok if it's not a bother."

At the park prior to the meal, they were strolling amongst the over grown grass fields that were surrounded by tall trees. The blue cloudless sky and the bright sun had attracted many people to the park. Young people were jogging along the walking track while older people sat on the benches admiring the nature. A group of wild deer was seen at a distance. Their gleaming eyes sparkled in the sunlight as they stood gloriously with their majestic horns and soft light brown fur.

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