Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to all those single readers who are scared to get married. A glimpse as to how wonderful and a blessing marital relationship is.

10 years ago

In the heat of the desert, alongside the Red Sea city of Jeddah, preparations were being made for special guests. The pots were steaming with spicy curry, the vegetables were being chopped and milky rice pudding dessert was cooling down in the fridge.

The scorching sun burned the skin easily, the vicious heat wave dried the throats and humidity of the nights made one clammy and sticky to even walk down the street with exertion. But a barely 19-year-old Samreen hardly noticed the harsh weather conditions. Laying on her double bed on her stomach she stared at Faraz's picture with awe.

He was really coming today! Her heart thudded loudly as her finger touched the printed picture laying on her pillow. How attractive were his eyes that always hinted naughtiness. Hugging the picture to her chest she rolled over onto her back and gazed smilingly at the fast moving fan on the ceiling. How would it be like to have his hand in hers? To stay up all night just talking? Or even spending time with him in comfortable silence.

A content sigh escaped her lips and dreamily she closed her lids but the voice of her mother jolted her from her daydreaming, "Samreen get in the kitchen this minute."

Shooting up from the bed, Samreen rushed to the kitchen to see her mother, Razia, busy stirring curries in the pots. She placed her one hand on her hip and accusingly glared at her daughter, "Do you plan to help me today or not?"

Samreen suppressed a smile and casually walked to her mother. Kissing her cheek, she playfully said, "How can I Ammi? I am busy daydreaming. Your son in law is about to come."

"Besharam (shameless)!" Razia picked her wooden ladle to strike her daughter but her face was gracing a big smile.

Samreen chuckled, "Okay I am here to help."

"Good that's more like it." Razia nodded and started with the instructions of the chores that needed urgent attention. 


Not far from Samreen's parents' home, Faraz was standing in front of the mirror in the hotel room and analysing his reflection. He was trying out different shirts.

"Shahbaz you are not helping out. I have changed five shirts and not one you agreed on," he complained still gazing at his reflection in the mirror.

"Bhai you have gone nuts. What difference does purple or white make. Just wear the damn shirt. They are not going to make the marriage decision based on your shirt." Shahbaz said as he stuffed his mouth with a handful of Pringles Sour Cream crisps.

The ends of the Faraz mouth curled in irritation, "You don't understand. It is the first impression that counts. I want her parents to be pleased with me." He turned around and snatched the Pringles box away, "Will you quit eating and help me out?"

"Heyyyyy!!! Give it back to me!!" his hands flying in air to grab the box.

Faraz stepped back, "Not until you tell me honestly what I look better in."

Crossing his arms over his chest, Shahbaz muttered, "Fine just wear the deep purple one. We are meeting them at night so it should look good on you then."

"Thank you! Now how difficult was that?" Faraz said as he handed over the crisps box.

"Ya whatever," Shahbaz rolled his eyes.

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