Chapter 27

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It was Saturday afternoon, the next day after Samreen and children had come back to the apartment. Their home was lively more than usual. After a very heavy breakfast of eggs and paratha, Liyaanah was complaining how Daniyal was pulling her dolls hair. Daniyal was in his terrible twos and there were times it was very difficult to control the boy. Faraz had rather a fun way to keep children occupied. After a long gap of seeing his children, he was ready to spend every minute with them. This is why he suggested to take them to the local park.

"Daddy is really taking us to the park?" Liyaanah winced as Samreen tightly tied the five-year-old girl's hair in two ponytails.

"Yes sweetie, he is." Samreen murmured, securing Liyaanah's curly hair with a hot pink rubber band.

"Ow!!" Liyaanah screeched. Her hand raised to her hair, "Mama it's too tight."

"Yes so that your stay neat for as long as possible." Samreen brushed the ends of the ponytail. It was a big job to keep Liyaanah's hair tidy. The girl had impossibly curly hair that was always unruly not ready to tame. She was blessed with curly hair from her father, Faraz always tried to keep his hair short but whenever he had long hair, they were always a big mess. No matter how many times Samreen fix her hair, loose curly strands would also come out and soon there was more hair loose than tied.

As soon as Samreen hand lifted from Liyaanah's hair, she whirled around, her hands resting on her mother's knees, "Where is Daddy?"

"He is getting ready. I think he is changing." Samreen glanced towards their bedroom door that was closed.

"You are coming Mummy?" Liyaanah's eyes grew wide.

"No sweetie I am not. It's your time to spend with your Daddy." Samreen shook her head.

"Yesss" Liyaanah jumped in excitement.

Samreen frowned, "What was that?"

Liyaanah hurriedly shook her head but before she could speak Faraz came to the rescue, "My princess all ready?"

Liyaanah beamed showing off all her baby teeth that had yet to be loose so that she can grow her adult teeth.

Faraz looked around, "Where is Daniyal?"

But the toddler was all-ready wearing his shoes and jacket standing by the door. Faraz chuckled and asked Samreen one more time, "You sure you don't want to come?"

She lightly nudged him, "No I will get some cleaning done and besides you should spend time with the kids."

Faraz sceptically eyed baby Salim sleeping in his buggy, "What if he wakes up?"

"You have his fruit snacks and water sipper. Just give him that and he will be fine."

"But.. but.. he still doesn't know me."

Samreen crossed her arms over her t-shirt, "Faraz stop giving excuses. He is your son. You will be fine."

"Okay, okay. I am leaving." he pushed the buggy and Samreen opened the door for the kids and Faraz to leave.

When they stepped out of the house, Liyaanah looped her arm around her father's arm, "Can I get an ice cream, Daddy please? Mommy never lets me get one."

Faraz suppressed his laughter and instead turned to look at Samreen, he raised his eyebrows in a challenge, "You didn't feed my children all these months?"

Narrowing her eyes, she placed her hands on her hips, "Faraz Ahmed, ice cream is junk food. Don't take your daughter's side."

Faraz just rolled his eyes and decided best was to keep quiet. But Liyaanah had other ideas, "It's good Mommy is not coming, otherwise we would never get a treat."

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